Personal Digital Timeline Project Patryk Sienko

By psienko
  • Birth

    The day that I was Born. It was a miracolous event for my family because they are happy to have me in their lives.
  • Moved to Poland

    Moved to Poland
    Moved to Poland because I needed to gain my country's culture and to be around my real family.
  • I enrolled into preschool in Poland

    I enrolled into preschool in Poland
    I enrolled to Polish preschool in Poland because I succeeded to learn my first language (Polish) and enroll in a school that helped me gain the important basics of being a child.
  • Learned to ride a bike

    Learned to ride a bike
    while I was 5 I learned to ride my bike. My uncle taught me only for 3 minutes and told me to learn on my own. This shows that I am reflexive and balanced that I managed to learn on my own and respected my uncle's decision.
  • Day I earned Respect

    Day I earned Respect
    I learned respect when I was young and we were eating and I gave up my seat and ate in my room for a family member because I care about my family.
  • Moved back to Chicago

    Moved back to Chicago
    After I learned my first language, and knew my family, I went back to America for education and to live with my mom again instead of my grandmother.
  • I am Funny

    I am Funny
    I learned to be funny once. My mom wasn't feeling well that one day and at that time I was really goofy, so she seen me so goofy she started laughing immediately. To this day I am goofy so many times.
  • I learned to care

    I learned to care
    My mom got really sick and so I helped her clean the house and made sure I make her the stuff she needed to heal. This helps me to care about the environemt and people.
  • I was bit by a dog

    I was bit by a dog
    I was bit by a dog, and I had to get surgery, but I remained positive and I forgave the dog and the people who owned the dog. It also represented me as strong because I survived.
  • Moved to another house in Chicago

    Moved to another house in Chicago
    I changed my house location and transfered from Smyser Elementary to Dirksen Middle School finishing off 6, 7, and 8 grade.
  • I learned to be knowledgable

    I learned to be knowledgable
    I started to care about my grades after joining sixth grade, because back then I had staright F's until fifth grade.
  • I landed my first plane on the flight simulator

    I landed my first plane on the flight simulator
    I learned to fly. My career path at the time was heading a good direction and I am a head of myself. This is importan milestone for me because I succeeded in my field of dreams. This shows that I am caring and resposible for my future.
  • Got accepted to IBCP

    Got accepted to IBCP
    I got accepted to IBCP due to my good attendance and good grades from Freshmen year.
  • Graduated Dirksen Middle School

    Graduated Dirksen Middle School
    I graduated with an honors society reward meaning I had good grades and got a white string indicating I have had good grades.
  • I learned to be reflective

    I learned to be reflective
    I started to going to soccer practice and I learned from my mistakes to play better for the team.
  • I donated money to the poor

    I donated money to the poor
    I was in Downtown in Poland and I donated a poor man 10 Zloty to him because he was poor and I really felt sorry for him.
  • Started to learn the language French

    Started to learn the language French
    I started to learn French in High school as a Freshmen. I learned to conjugate and etc. I ended with A's for my semester.
  • I cried while watching Full House

    I cried while watching Full House
    It was the first time I ever cried watching a movie or a show because I never cry, but this was one of the most saddest things I seen after Pappouli died (Uncle Jesse's Grandpa). This proved that I am emotional.
  • Risk taker

    Risk taker
    I went up and presented in front of 200 kids for my Drivers Ed powerpoint project. I was very nervous, but I got throught it.
  • Learned to drive manual

    Learned to drive manual
    My brother taught me how to drive a manual car. It is important because I always wanted to drive a manual car so I have the experience.