
Personal Digital Timeline

By avzych
  • Taken Home from the Hospital

    Taken Home from the Hospital
    A few days after I was born, my mother and my father strapped me into my car-seat and took me to my home for the first time ever. I was wearing a cute little hat and a comfortable onesie, so I wouldn't be cold!
  • Kindergarten Graduation

    Kindergarten Graduation
    When I was nearly 6 years old, I graduated from Kindergarten. I was one of the very shy children. During this year, we did lots of plays, for the holidays and such.
  • Furry Addition the the Family

    Furry Addition the the Family
    When I was nearly 6 years old, we had an addition to the family, my puppy, now dog, Lucky. I got so happy, because I always wanted to have a dog and one to take care of on my own. He means the entire world to me and he always will.
  • First Grade

    First Grade
    This year was my first at a real school, since for Kindergarten, I attended a daycare center. I made friends quickly, and we were all in the same class until 8th grade, there was 25 of us in first grade, and 17 of us in 8th.
  • Bullying

    I've been bullied ever since I was a kid. It's always been so difficult to tell my parents or a person of authority, because generally, they just say not to worry about it, which never helps.
  • First Reconciliation

    First Reconciliation
    In the second grade, my class and I had our First Reconciliation, meaning confessing our sins to a priest. It was a very large milestone for a lot of us, since we never did it before.
  • First Holy Communion

    First Holy Communion
    It was May 10, 2008, the day of my First Holy Communion. I was so nervous! The girls wore pretty white dresses and short white veils, and the boys wore black suits or all white suits.
  • Death of my Grandfather

    Death of my Grandfather
    On this day, I found out my grandfather, whom I was very close to, died. He died at the nursing home he was at. When I found out he died, (my teachers told me), I just started crying. I was upset for weeks. I had missed a few days of schools, because of his funeral and his burial.
  • Our First Class Play

    In the fourth grade, my teacher decided to do a little play with our class and perform it for the upper division of the school. The play was very amusing, and everyone was so entertained!
  • Death of a Friend

    Death of a Friend
    On this day, I found out a friend, who shall remain nameless for the sake of privacy, died. We were told he "died in his sleep," but we knew what it meant.. He had committed suicide at the age of about 16. He attended a Catholic high school. We weren't told much about it, but I took it quite hard.
  • My Best Friend

    My Best Friend
    It was the fifth grade, my current best friend and I started talking and became very close. We always studied and did everything together, we went to each other's houses, we always hung out. 'Til this day, we are best friends, basically sisters, even though we attend different schools.
  • Bell Choir

    Bell Choir
    This was the first year the girls in my class and some older than us, did Bell Choir for our Church. Bell Choir is us, girls, playing music (religios, holiday) with handbells, from high-pitched, to low-pitched. We rehearsed every Thursday/Friday and we at times, played for Sunday service at our Church. We had to wear white blouses and black skirts/dress pants.
  • Living Stations of the Cross

    Living Stations of the Cross
    Every year, every Good Friday, the 8th graders and Religious Education people gather together to act out the Stations of the Cross that led up to Christ's death. We rehearsed for weeks, months. People told us that it was the best they've seen in years!
  • NJROTC Interview

    NJROTC Interview
    Today was my ROTC interview. I was terrified and so shy. I had no idea what I was going to say. But, another NSI had calmed me down and told me everything would be okay. I was the very first person to be interviewed and I was very shy and quiet. I gave very good, professional answers to each question, and I got in!
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    8th Grade Graduation
    Today was the day. Graduation. Seeing everyone for the last time altogether. We've been all together for 8 years. I was very emotional and took pictures with friends. Some of us still talk to this day.
  • First Day of Freshman Year

    First Day of Freshman Year
    Today was the first day of my freshmen year of high school. I was terrified. I didn't know anyone, I didn't know where to go. I was anxious. My friend, who was a junior at the time made a map of the school for me and took me to my homeroom.
  • Meeting My Two Best Internet Friends

    Meeting My Two Best Internet Friends
    Today was the day of the Boys of Summer tour, my two best friends, that I have known for 3 years would all finally meet. We all met and we had so so so so much fun! We met all the people performing and everyone was really sweet! Sadly, less than a few months later, the venue it was at had burned down.
  • NJROTC Friends

    NJROTC Friends
    I've made so many friends in high school, real and people that were a mistake to befriend. I can always tell by people's personalities and the way they dress and act, who is a backstabber and who will be supportive and sweet.
  • August 16, 2000

    August 16, 2000
    It is a special day, the day I was born. My astrological sign is a Leo.
  • Confirmation

    It was our last year together. The last few months together. We had our Conformation to do. I chose the name Elizabeth, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.