Pamela's life

  • My first word

    My first word
  • The day i born

    The day i born
    the day i born it was 12:00pm it was a beautiful morning it was 21 o december , my mother told me one day the story about how i was born , i born in the hospital named marfil , my dad told that he was really nervious he was al moust throwing up , it really exiting when i born my brother was to really exited
  • the day i was baptism

    the day i was baptism
    That day my mother tells me taht i was a really beutiful and important event for my mother and father , they told that it was a commitment with god, they say that day i was crying alot and the Father told my parents taht i have the devil inside of me and it was really necesary my baptism
  • My 3 year old birthay

    My 3 year old birthay
    My parents tell me that on my birthay of 3 years old they make me a presentation on a church and thank god because he has giving me a good live then of that i remeber that we have a party in my house with all my family then of that , i remeber that my father told me to open my gifts and see what i have
  • Ballet

    When i was 4 years old i started with ballet , my first studio were i practice it was with irma millan , then when i was 6 years i enter to school of arts in hidalgo , i pracrice clasic ballet for 6 years old then i stop when i was 12 years old i was the youngest girl to completed, i was proud of mi self , and my parents too
  • kindergarden

    i was 4 years old , that day i enter to the american school of pachuca i remeber that day i went to my clases but when i was time for going to my home insted of going to the door where my parents where waiting me i went to found my brother , and i lost on the instalations , and my mother was freking her self because thy dont found me
  • Primary

    I was 5 almost having 6 years old when i pass to primary, that day i remember that i met my new teachers wich i have not forget them they were the most amzing teachers that i have whe i was little they make the school better and miore un for the kids , the teachear of spanish was the best she make everything better fun being in shcool
  • A new tradition

    A new tradition
    On my seventh birthday, my family and i decided that i anted to go on my birthdays wirh friends to six flags an we decided and they agree with me , i can have parties but the tradition was to go to six flags with friends and we started to doit , and it was fun and mi family and i we really enjoy it a lot
  • Catechism

    when i was 8 years old , i went to my first class of catechism and i went for a year , i was having good teachers and good parterns, and i still miss them , when i first start i was scared and nervious but then i trust me i trust my teachers and i trust my partners , it was i good year then of that i have never seen my teachers . its sad
  • My first communion

    My first communion
    Then of a year of going to clases , i realized what it was expected, i make my communion i was with my parents friends and all of my family , my mother and my father make me a party them of the ceremoni at the church i remember that ay my brother threw the food over me on my dress i have to change of clouse
  • the day i enter to battery

    the day i enter to battery
    I was 10 years old when my mother decide that i should learn more instruments , and i decided i wanted to learn battery , sow then of going to ballet every tuesday at night i went to my clases of battery, it was little bit exausted for mi , then i have to go home and do my homework , it was fun to learn now i now how to play it
  • when a pass to first of secondary

    when a pass to first of secondary
    I remember exactly the day i pass to first of secondary i remember that it was a little bitt rare because de classmates taht i have i really have not now them alot but then of all i met them better and the group that i have it was one of the best ones , i have a lot of memories i met new friendas and best friends
  • The day i pass to 3 of secondary

    The day i pass to 3 of secondary
    When i pass to third of secondary it was a little bit nervious because i wanted to be with my friends in the same group but unfourtanedtly it didi not pass but them i started to be fine on my new group and i have great memories with them its a good group and i am really enjoying 3 of secondary because almoust all of my teachers are good persons