
Painting a Reninsance Picture

By msswan
  • Apr 15, 1452

    The birth of a legend

    The birth of a legend
    born on April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy, Leonardo had been raised by his father. Da vinci became interested in art at the age of 14. His best-known works are two of the most famous paintings of all time, the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper." Leanardo Da VInci was then and still is one of the most monumentous artist of all time.
  • Mar 6, 1475

    The begining of another historical legand

    The begining of another historical legand
    Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese, Italy. Michelangelo also became interested in art at a young age. He took a carrer in both painting and sculpture. His most famous pieces include the David and Pieta statues but more importantly, the paintings on the ceiling of Rome's sistine chaple.
  • Feb 22, 1482

    The Virgin of the Rocks!

    The Virgin of the Rocks!
    In this painting created by Leanardo Da VInci, Mother Mary is guiding John the baptist using hands in prayer position as she is blessing him. The angel is being a witness of the event.
  • Apr 6, 1483

    Raphael is Born.

    Raphael is Born.
    Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino was born in a small Italian city called Urbino. He was born on April 6, 1483, and died on April 6, 1520 (aged 37.) Raphaels his father Giovanni Santi was court painter to the Duke, and his mother Màgia died in 1491 when Raphael was eight.
  • Jan 1, 1486

    The Birth of Venus

    The Birth of Venus
    The Birth of Venus was painted by Sandro Botticelli in 1486. The womens pose in this painting, with elongated neck and torso is impossible. Her weight is shifted too far over the left leg for the pose to be held. Botticelli has picked out simple things in his painting to bring out the femminism, such as the highlights in her hair. Many people say that Bottocellis iparation came from Praxiteles' sculpture of Aphrodite, because they are very similar.
  • Jan 1, 1490

    Lady with an Ermine

    Lady with an Ermine
    Lady with an Ermine was created in 1490 by Leonardo da Vinci. This was painted on a wooden pannel, all in oil. This painting is of a girl names Cecilia. She was about sixteen at the time this portrait was painted.
  • Feb 22, 1499

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    The last supper, painted by Leanardo De Vinci, was painted during a 3 year time period. De Vinci began his masterpiece in 1495 and was finished in the year of 1499. This painting was based on a relgios view of Jesus the Christ and his desciples attending the last supper.
  • Nov 30, 1503

    The Mona Lisa

    The Mona Lisa
    In 1503, the most monumentous painting during the reninsance was created. Leanardo De Vinci painted the picture of an unidentified woman. Some people have suggested that it was a self portirat of himself because the painting compares well with a picture of him. It also has been proven that messages have been hidden in the background of the picture of the Mona Lisa in witch few words have been revealed. These letters have been compared to the handwritting of Leanardo De VInci.
  • Feb 25, 1508

    The Sistine Chapel ceiling paintings

    The Sistine Chapel ceiling paintings
    One masterpiece Michelangelo was most famous for was his ceiling paintings. Taking 4 years to finish, he accomplished paitning over 300 figures in 1512. Not only did he create such a wonderful piece of art he worked on his back. This masterpieve was classified as the most beautiful art piece of its time by many articles. It was said that Michelangelo painted this for the pope.
  • Jan 1, 1511

    The Creation of Adam

    The Creation of Adam
    The Creation of Adam, painted by the famous Michelangelo was painted from 1511-1512. Many hypotheses have been put forward about this painting. Many of these included Michelangelos expertice in human Anatomy,
  • May 2, 1519

    Death of Leanardo Da VInci

    Death of Leanardo Da VInci
    Da Vinci died in Amboise, France at the age of 67 of an unknown cause. He is buried in the monastery of St. Florentine, Amboise, France.
  • Apr 6, 1520

    The death of Raphael

    The death of Raphael
    Rapheal died at the younge age of 37 in Rome, Italy. It was said that he had fallen into a fever.
  • Feb 18, 1564

    The death of the wonderful Michelangelo

    The death of the wonderful Michelangelo
    Michelangelo died in Rome, Italy. He died at the age of 89 due to a fever. His body is buried in Santa Croce Church, Florence, Italy.