N prophet muhammad 628x314

Outline of Muhammad's Life

By kgolch
  • 570

    Birth of Muhammad

    Muhammad was born in Mecca, a city known for its religious practice. Mecca had the Black Stone, which was inside the Kabah.
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    Death of Muhammad's Mother

    Muhammad's mother died and he is now taken in by his paternal grandfather, who then takes him to Syria.
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    Muhammad Gets Married

    Muhammad marries Khadija bint Khuwaylid in 595. She is known to Muslims as "the Mother of Believers."
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    Muhammad's First Revelation

    At age 40, Muhammad had received his first revelation on Mount Hira. When Muhammad first received the revelation, he thought he was going crazy and hallucinating. He even thought it was a demonic apparition. Later, he realized it was Angel Gabriel that gave him the revelation, and he​ and his family became the first Muslims.
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    Muhammad Makes Message Public

    He revealed the messages he has been receiving to his tribe. This is when Muhammad recited the visions verse by verse, slowly creating what would be known as the Qur'an today.
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    Muhammad's Night Journey

    This is the journey Muhammad took from Medina all the way to Jerusalem. On this journey, he sees all the prophets of Allah such as Adam, Moses, and David. This assured that no matter the persecution, Muhammad was still a prophet.
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    Pilgrimage to Medina

    Muhammad and his followers went on a pilgrimage to Medina to escape the persecution in Mecca.
  • 630

    Muhammad Conquers Mecca

    The balance of power leaned towards Muhammad and the rest of the Muslims instead of the once powerful Mecca. The Meccans decided to join Muhammad and believe with the Muslims.
  • 632

    Last Pilgrimage

    In 632, Muhammad performed one last pilgrimage to Mecca with tens of thousands of people following him. At this time, most of the Arabian Peninsula was under Islam.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Death of Muhammad

    Muhammad died due to illness. He was buried in the mosque in Medina. After his death, Muhammad's teachings were spread worldwide and Islam is one of the most well-known​ religions in the world.