Fear quotes 32

On the Other Side of Fear: Lessons Learned Through Time

  • Butterflies in My Belly - First Day of Preschool

    Butterflies in My Belly - First Day of Preschool
    Throughout my life, I have found that I learned the most valuable lessons following experiences in which I faced my fears. These lessons stemmed from the decision to either "Face Everything And Rise" or "Forget Everything And Run."
    On the first day of PreK, I struggled to let go of my mom's hand in fear that she wouldn't return. However, following my first day of PreK, I learned to step out of my comfort zone - this taught me there was much I had yet to explore, and I could do it on my own.
  • Chasse-ing Through the Stage Fright - First Dance Recital

    Chasse-ing Through the Stage Fright - First Dance Recital
    The first time I stepped foot on stage in my pink ballet slippers and frilly tutu, I was petrified. What if I forgot my dance? What if everyone laughed at me? I loved ballet, but I had a little trouble remembering to keep a smile on my face to hide my anxiety. I spotted my parents in the crowd, and suddenly I felt a burst of energy. From my experience on stage I learned that I should never, ever underestimate the power of confidence.
  • Downhill Skis and Shaky Knees

    Downhill Skis and Shaky Knees
    The first time I learned how to downhill ski, my parents enrolled me in a skiing class for beginners, or as the resort called us, "Never-Evers." I had never met my instructor before, nor had I ever hurtled down a mountain at a rapid pace. The combination of these things instilled a lot of fear in my mind, but once I learned to trust my instructor, the experience became fun. Skiing taught me it is important to listen and learn from those who have been in my position before.
  • Nerves and New Beginnings - Moving to Fort Myers

    Nerves and New Beginnings - Moving to Fort Myers
    When the news came that my family and I would be leaving our home in Colorado Springs and moving to unfamiliar Fort Myers, Florida, I was heartbroken and scared. Not only would I have to adapt to a new city, I would have to assimilate into a new school and find a whole new group of friends. However, I am incredibly thankful that we moved to Fort Myers, where I have made lifelong friends. This taught me that change is inevitable and learning to embrace it is paramount.
  • Wavering on the Water

    Wavering on the Water
    The very first time I stood up on waterskiis, I only traveled a few feet and inhaled an exorbitant amount of water up my nose as I tumbled into the lake. As I sputtered up water, I contemplated giving up and never looking at a pair of skis again. However, I kept persevering, and day by day, I improved. Because of this, waterskiing is now one of my favorite hobbies. From waterskiing I learned that overcoming obstacles sweetens the feeling of success when you finally reach your goal.
  • Shenanigans with Sharks

    Shenanigans with Sharks
    In 4th grade, my class and I traveled to Sea Camp in the Florida Keys. Not only was Sea Camp my first overnight experience, it was also the first time I had the opportunity to swim with sharks. I teetered on the edge of the water, gripping my kickboard for dear life. All my friends had already jumped in and were eagerly snorkeling about. I took a deep breath and jumped in. Swimming with the amazing sharks taught me sometimes you have to take risks in order to reap the rewards.
  • Cheer Fear

    Cheer Fear
    In 6th grade, I decided to stop playing basketball and try something completely out of the box: cheerleading. When tryouts came, I was incredibly nervous. I had never cheered before and had no idea what to expect. I am incredibly grateful that I decided to try out because if I didn't, I would not have met some of my best friends, nor would I currently be captain of my cheer team. From my first cheerleading tryout I learned that broadening your horizons can be a valuable experience.
  • Risky Roads - Learning to Drive

    Risky Roads - Learning to Drive
    Today I would describe learning to drive as one of the most challenging tasks I have dealt with. With driving comes great responsibility, and it requires all of your focus. As I became more and more comfortable behind the wheel, I learned that it is often important to have a small amount of fear because with it comes caution and attentiveness. If I were not afraid to harm myself or others, I would never stop at a stop sign or obey the speed limit.
  • Dorm Room Doubts

    Dorm Room Doubts
    This past summer, I attended the Medical Institute at Georgetown University. This would be the first time I would stay by myself for an entire week without seeing my parents. I was incredibly nervous to meet my roomate and the other campers. Would she be weird? Would they like me? Would I like them? Thankfully, I met incredible people that I still talk to today, and my fear was all for naught. My experience at Georgetown taught me it is important to trust your judgement when meeting new people.
  • Unsure Undergrad - Heading Off to College

    Unsure Undergrad - Heading Off to College
    As graduation approaches, my anxiety surrounding leaving home is heightening. I do not know where I may end up, and this thought scares me. However, I know that graduation and the beginning of my college experience will teach me that life will throw me curveballs, and I will have to use my past lessons to tackle future challenges. All I have to remember is "Everything I want is on the other side of fear." - Jack Canfield