Olegs timeline

  • When I was born

    I was born in Russia on year 2000 and I was also adopted. When my new parents adpted me they took me to their house. Then I
    had a new home. I was excited having a new mom and dad. When my new parents adpted me I was 4 years old.
  • My baptism

    My baptism
    I went to a church with my brothers and I was baptized. My aunts and uncles were write there when I had my baptizom.I was 6 years old when they baptized me.
  • My First Reconciliation

    My First Reconciliation
    On my first Reconsiliation I talked to the priest about all sins that I've made. My mom and my dad and sisters were there. I was very
  • My first communion

    My first communion
    I was 7 years old on my first communion. I was very excited because my whole family was there to see me. Then I went home
    and celebrated with my family. I even played with my cousins and ate with them. We even played tag and we also jumped
    into the pool. We also watched movies and when we were wacthing the movie we also ate some popcorn
  • My 8 birthday

    My 8 birthday
    I had my eigth birthday in Miami. I had a delicious cake. I spend it with my family together. I loved my eigth birthday.
  • My first time in Lincoln School

    My first time in Lincoln School
    When I went to Lincoln I was very shy because I was new at school and I didn't have any freinds to play with. I was really excited cause of one thing. I was excited because I made a new friend. My knew freinds name was Charlie Clickner. I felt welcomed at my new school because how Carlie had friends Carlies friends became friends with me and I was excited about that. I loved to play soccer with my knew friends. The only freind that I liked to talk to in english was Charlie.
  • Moving into my new house in Costa Rica

    Moving into my new house in Costa Rica
    When I went to Costa Rica I was very excited because I got to visit a new place that I have never visited before. When I got to my new house I was so so so so excited. there was nothing in the house, it was empty. So we started to buy things to fill up our new home. We were also waiting for our other stuff to come from the United States. It took about a year and a half.
  • New Years Eve in Orlando, Florida

    New Years Eve in Orlando, Florida
    On New Years Eve we had a great time with our family.We had lots of fun spending New Years together.
  • Trip to the beach

    Trip to the beach
    When I went to the beach I had a great time with my family. I dug a huge hole in the sand. I dug it so deep that I almost fit my whloe body got to fit in the sand. Then we were playing hide and seek. I hid in my hole, so they couldn't find me. then we were hungry so we went to eat some fish.
  • When I play tennis

    When I play tennis
    I love playing tennis. I usually go to tennis every Sunday. I am very good at this sport. I started playing tennis since I was in 2 grade. I will never stop playing this sport.