• Laptop

    I used to drive to the public library with my siblings and mom when I was younger to use the computers for school work, but in the year 2020 I was gifted a laptop which I have used since, it is great for helping me do hw on the go and also for helping me type out long essays.
  • PC

    Alongside my laptop, my PC is probably the most expensive and useful piece of technology that I have, it has helped me do assignments and organize them so perfectly, as well as allowing me to edit projects for my classes with ease.
    Inventor: John Blankenbaker
  • GameCube

    I played videogames for a majority of my life, but the system that I used the most was the Nintendo Gamecube, I would use it to play videogames all the time and spend most of my free time playing.
    Inventor- Nintendo
  • IPOD 4

    I used the Ipod 4 for much of my childhood as I didn't own a phone, I would use it in my free time and I would also use it for music to help when I did my school work.
    Inventor: Anthony Michael Fadell
  • Iphone 12 Pro Max

    My phone, not mentioning if it was the one I got when I turned 16 or the one I bought myself at 20 with more gadgets on it and tools, has been so useful, I use it at work to take pictures of needed tasks, I have used it to submit hw and even to read entire books, it is single handedly the most important piece of technology that I have used in my life and I will continue to use it daily.