Nolan Moench timeline

  • 1290


    The man who had actually brought the eyeglasses invention to life was named Alessandro Della Spina, who had followed a text found in the "Ancient Chronicle of the Dominican Monastery of St. Catherine in Pisa" which practically said that the one who had created the glasses first had not been willing to share them, therefore he (Spina) had made them and created them and shared them with all. (smore)
  • 1346

    black death

    black death
    life was normal until the black death hit most of the cities population went down fast it was cut in half. Everything was shut down trade everything.
  • Feb 22, 1400

    frescoes (masaccio)

    frescoes (masaccio)
    He created the very first "master piece" of the early renaissance This was done on a wet plaster base with water based paints. That made the painting have the depth it has. This led to more realistic three-dimensional styles. ( notes artistic movement)
  • Feb 22, 1416


    He was a sculpture who studied Greek and Roman statues. He had made the most famous free standing statue of saint george (Notes artistic movement)
  • Mar 2, 1440

    the printing press scientific discoveries

    the printing press scientific discoveries
    this was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. With out this they would have to write the paper by hand. It would work by putting pressure on the paper with ink and a thin cloth would transfer the letters on to the paper (smore)
  • Feb 15, 1450

    New start

    New start
    European scholars began to start thinking and studying the world around them. the art work started to change as well by getting more realistic and more personable ( notes renaissance review)
  • Feb 15, 1453

    fall of the byzantine empire

    fall of the byzantine empire
    The Byzantine empire fell to Muslims. which made many Greek-speaking Christians to move into Italy. (Notes)
  • Feb 26, 1460

    fillip Brunelleschi

    fillip Brunelleschi
    He was a architect inspired by the building of classical rome. He Designed/ built the basilica di san lorenzo in Florence, Italy after discovering how to build a dome structure. That had took him 3 years to build (notes artistic movement)
  • Sep 15, 1476

    The canterbury tales

    The canterbury tales
    This book had stories in it told by 29 pilgrims. Which explains like there like time during there period. They were going to see st thomas becketts tomb
  • Aug 15, 1483


    He dabbled in painting, sculpting, and architecture. Credited for the numerous frescoes in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City Rome.
  • Oct 10, 1483

    martin Luther

    martin Luther
    Born in Germany in 1483. After surviving a violent storm, he vowed to become a monk. Lived in the city of wittenberg. ( notes)
  • Feb 24, 1490


    During the renaissance trade was a huge factor. Trade both helped with the common need of getting products and selling them as well.
  • 1500

    pocket watch

    pocket watch
    The pocket watch was often seen as a either a fashion or status symbol in the past. The first renditions of the pocket watch were being created in the early 1500's. The very frist one was created by peter Heinlein. (smore)
  • Mar 28, 1500


    About 90% of the population were peasants and they worked for other people but by about 1500 most peasants were legally free
  • Aug 28, 1500

    Daily life as a noble lord

    Daily life as a noble lord
    The noble would wake up at dawn and pray. After that they would eat breakfast and then make sure that his land and finances were in check.The noble would wake up at dawn and pray. After that they would eat breakfast and then make sure that his land and finances were in check. ( Daily life notes)
  • May 2, 1503

    leonardo da vinci

    leonardo da vinci
    was known mostly for his paintings being very realistic and nice. He is the one who painted Mona Lisa (notes artistic movement)
  • Feb 26, 1511


    Admired for his numerous madonnas. Achieved an idea of beauty that no one else could imitate. One of his paintings was the school of Athens. (notes artistic movement)
  • Oct 31, 1517

    martins 95 theses

    martins 95 theses
    He nailed the 95 theses to the door of wittenberg for all to see. He was telling people not to buy it because it really dont mean anything to church is just trying to get your money. (martin Luther notes)
  • Oct 26, 1522

    martins bible

    martins bible
    Martin took the bible and rewrote it in other languages for other to be able to read. His belief was if you cant read the bible than how can you believe
  • flushing toilet

    flushing toilet
    The first toilet was called a "water closet" and it was made by Sir John Harrington in 1596. This water closet was made for the Queen of England but was not properly ventilated and leaked all over the bathroom floor. Leonardo daVinci also had ideas for a water closet that had pipes installed into the walls. His ideas were called nonsense and disregarded by the public.
  • townspeople social class

    townspeople social class
    The townspeople kinda took some of the population. They were to work 1 out of 4 jobs. Patricians were people that worked the trade and money. The workers would be used as helpers. ( life during the renaissance notes)