Aug 3, 1492
Columbas Finds New land
If Christopher Columbus didnt discover America, Nobody would ever be brave enough to go prove this land exists. The whole world would populated in Asia and Europe. There would be no war because everyone would be in side of one country, one nation. -
Sep 20, 1519
Ferdanand Magellan Proves Tha the Earth is Round
If he didnt prove that the Eath is round then no one would come over to populate America. Travel would be easier to Travel to America because they now know that they wont fall off the edge of the Earth -
105 English colonists arrive at Jamestown in Virginia.
These 105 were part of the first people to live in America and to populate America. Without them America would probaly have a smaller population that we have now. -
Smallpox virus wipes out most New England Indians
George Washington was elected President
If he wasnt we could of been under the british countrol instead of having the freedom we have today. George Washigton was a great Preident which led to having other great presidents -
Congress establishes the U.S. Army
Without the U.S Army we would have no way to defend ourselvs during war. Our Army is a big part of our freedom because without them, we are nothing inside war. -
Bill of Rights ratified as part of Constitution.
without the Bill of Rights being apart of the Constitution we would have no rights -
Congress Declares War against Britian
One of the many wars that America was in. Many people lost their lives in this war and because of that we feel it is important -
A street in Baltimore becomes the first to be lighted with gas from America's first gas company.
John Wilkes Boothe assassinates President LIncoln
If this didnt happen, President Lincoln would have lived a longer life and could have led this country to more Great things. This event is important because it was a big move in American history.