
Night Timeline

  • Eliie Wiesel meets Moishe the Beadle

    Eliie Wiesel meets Moishe the Beadle
    Elie was 12 almost 13, when he met Moishe. Elie one day decides thta Moishe would be the master he was looking for.
    (Pages 3-4)
  • Moishe and other foreigners were taken by the Hungarian Police

    Moishe and other foreigners were taken by the Hungarian Police
    All foreigners were taken away including Moise, some blamed it on the war not knowing what would happen, It was quicly forgotten.
  • The Eight Days of Passover

    During their 8 days of passaover the Jews tried makig the best of it but there hearts weren't really into it this year. On the seventh day "...the curtain finally rose.." The Germans began arresting Jewish leadres and prohibiting Jews from leaving their homes for three days, under penalty of death. The jews were as well prohibited to own any gold, jewelry, or any valuables. The jews now also had to start wearing the yellow star of david. The jews had lost basic right like going out.
  • Moishe comes back

    Moishe comes back
    Moishe comes back after months of being away. One day when Wiesel was going to enter the synagogue, he saw Moishe the Beadle sitting on a bench near the synagogue. Moishe tried warning Wiesel and the rest of the Jews about what could happen to them like what happened to him. Nobody cared and believed he was going insane.
  • German Army vehials arrived to the Sighet.

    German Army vehials arrived to the Sighet.
    When the German soldiers arived the acted very polite, to make the Jews believe they had no bad intentions.
  • Ghettos were created

    Ghettos were created
    The ghettos were created to keep the jews apart from ther germans. The jews felt that this was good they felt as a better community like this. they thought this would only last until the end of the war not noing what really would happen.
  • Bad things were coming....

    Bad things were coming....
    Two weeks later bad news sartting coming to the ears of people. this was the begining of the ews in Sighet taken to the camps.
  • Moving

    Once the news got out people started packing for their voyage. Some were taken by on the first second day wiesel and his family were one of the last transports.Movingwas very tiring the walking and the train voyage were both as exausting.
  • Arrival at Birkenau

    Arrival at Birkenau
    when the jews arrived they saw flames and smelled burning human flesh. seconds laters they got sprated ny gender and age. After wiesel was seprated from her sisters and mother, he had to lie as his father did so they could stay togther in their long painful voyage
  • Period: to

    Life in the Concentration Camps

    The life wiesel had in the consentration camps was horrible. The SS soldiers were cruel and the prisinors were fed nothing or slices of bread and soup. Men were killed and beat every day by the thousands. They were killed and beat for no apperant reason.
  • Period: to

    Wiesel's fathers death

    After evacuting the camps Wiesle's father was very ill. every day he was getting worst, and Elie tried to take care of him as much as he could. One day he went to sllep and the next morning he went to look for his father but found a new body and knew that his father was sent to the cremetoria.
  • Freedom

    Elie was liberated and later poisined and sent to the hospital. he had not seen him self since the ghetto and when he saw him self all he truy saw was corpse. he no longer saw a human but a dead being.