Elie Wisel born in Sighet Transylvania
Elie was born in Sighet Transylvania -
Nazis Destroyed 7,500 Jewish stores
Nazaio carried out Kristellnack which destroyed 7500 Jewish Stores. -
Elie meets Moshe the Beadle
Elie meets Moshe the Beadle -
Beadle escapes Gestapo to worn Jews
Late in the year Moshe the Beadle escapes Gestapo to worn the Jews in Sighet. -
Nazis start to take over
Nazis arrest Jews, leave, and close synagoges in Transylvania. -
Jews got abducted
Jews was forced from there homes. -
Elie enters Aushwitz
Elie gets to Aushwitz -
Elie get tatooed his name -
Elie sisters and mother was spended to the gas chambers
Elie escape from surgery
Elie undergoes surgery from denist -
Dentist enter aushwitz
Red Army racing toward Buna
Days in Glewitz
they went days without food and water and forbidden to leave barracks -
Elie falls ill with food poisoning
taking a shower in Buzhenwald
they had to wait outside -
Elie's father get very sick
doctor cant dont anything about him -
Elie father dies
Nazi blow up the camps
twenty thousand prisoners in the camps including children