
Night by Elie Wiesel timeline

By jas2
  • Hometown

    The book starts off with them being in their hometown of SIgnhet
  • Chapter one

    Chapter one
    In this chapter the Jews started to to get arounded up and start to have to leave their home only having a little bit of things to take with them. Elie's family was the last family to leave because his father was the major of their town and was odered not to tell anyone where they were all going.
  • Chapter Two

    Chapter Two
    In this chapter Elie and his family were packed into a cattle car to start heading to the camps but no one knew where they were going. Also while they were in the cattle care there was a middle aged lady named Madame Schächter. she was yelling out "fire" and no one knew what she was talking about and end up beating her to keep her quite. All they were told was they have to get ready and leave there homes.
  • Chapter Three

    Chapter Three
    In chapter three Elie Wiesel family finally got to the intermant camp. there they were seperated into two different groups men and women. Elie and his father remained together but Elie had to leave his mother and sister. After they were put into two different groups they then got divived up intoi smaller groups and some goups were sent stright into the gas chamber while other were send into there barracks.
  • Chapter Four

    In Chapter four Elie and his father were sent to the dentise to see if they have any gold teeth. If they did have any gold teeth they had to get them pulled out and given to the SS men. If the men were sick they were able to to come back another day and get them pulled. Elie was able to keep his gold tooth because told the dentist that he wasnt feeling well. Then after they were all done with going to the dentist the Air Raid went over th German.
  • Chapter Five

    In chapter five the Jewish new year was coming and all the jews werent able to clerbraite because they were all doing work inside the camps.