
  • 7.3 Major Life Event

    My major life event that I experienced was my parents' divorce. I cope through it in different ways. I began with coping using denial then self-distraction until I reached my senior year high school I started to accept then eventually make jokes out of it because my parents' marriage is never good to start with anyways.
  • 4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences

    My childhood experience has no contribution to my current attachment style because I will never have secure attachment style until I met my current partner. I, however, believe that this date, when my parent's divorce finalized, is the contribution to my anxious and fearful attachment style because I don't want to get divorced or end up like my parents.
  • 1.1 The Beginning

    The date is my graduation date from high school. I felt immediately free from the burden I had experienced being a second mom. I finally can make my own choices without feeling guilty. The reputation and responsiblities has been passed to my sister as I go off to college. I believe that this is nonnormative life event as the mother role passes on to my sister. Not all divorced families experience it.
  • 6.4 Intimacy

    In Ryssa's presentation, she mentioned that her grandparents met at deaf club and from there they marry and started a family. In intimacy and isolation, we take risk getting ourselves merged with other person to create intimate relationships. I have selected a date that is three years ago. It is when I met my life partner. I was only first year studnet in college. It was a risk determining if this was worth it. It definitely was.
  • 7.2 Transitions

    A transition that I experienced was "from integrated to self-transcendent". Growing up, I always felt out of place going in church. I feel something telling me that I am in wrong place. It was not long until I started seeing ghosts, having experiences that not many people experience. My spirituality awakening happened so fast and hard. I experienced symptoms of spiritual awakening. It was not long until I discovered that I am an empath and a starseed.
  • 2.1 Oxtidative Damage

    I chose my birthdate, I was 20 that time. I think intervention for oxtidative damages begin at this age. 20 is when we leave our puberty and start aging. The invention to prevent oxtidative damage is to create a vaccine that will cancel out the chemical reactions from sun, diet, pollution, et cetera. At age 20, they get vaccine that will cancel out the chemical reactions thus ending the theory of oxtidative damages.
  • 2.3 My Current Healthy Lifestyle

    I have answered NO to every question except for the question about alcohol and cigarettes. However, I try to eat organic servings. My current health lifestyle is totally not healthy as I always drink soda, never exercise, missing meals and all that. I think me being in college contributes to that. I have a goal of changing that when I move to Seattle in May after graduation.
  • 4.3 Adult Attachment Style

    My attachment style is secure. I am currently in three years relationship. We talk about planning to get married, buying a house and having kids. I, however, would say my attachment style would be different if it was not the person I am currently with. Previously, I have high anxiety attachment style but with my current relationship, I am so confident and feel secure.
  • 7.1 Fowler

    The Fowler stage that I think is the most fitting to my master story is conjuctive faith. I do not practice any religion nor believe in any greater deity. I practice spirituality and believes in energy and the universe. It is moving away from fixed truth (religions) toward a search of balance. I meditate everyday to bring connection to nature, mind and body aligning my chakras. In my spirituality journey, I let things change and happen by themselves.
  • 4.1 Young Adult Role Transition

    The date is my graduation date at Gallaudet University. I will be transistioning to a independent female adult role. I will be also moving in with my boyfriend of three years. I am leaving the role of student and entering the role of worker.
  • My RIASEC Type

    My RIASEC score is ISA. Having Investigative and Social kind of conflicts with each other. I think I am more interested in Social kind of work while being Investigative is more of my hobby and interests as I always love researching about more things. My conventional and realistic interest were empty as I am not interested into physical work or details.
  • 4.2 Older Adult Role Transition

    This date is when I will be 30. It is when I want to have kids by. I will experience quick transisiton from no children to a mother over night as soon the child is born. I expect to experience this at typical age. Maybe younger depending on my career and marriage. I will cope with the challenges with support of my partner.
  • 6.2 Super's Stage

    Establishment. I picked out Advocacy services as job relating to my Social job type preference. By establishment, I will find an advocacy services job that I truly have passion fighting for. I am moving to Seattle, Washington to work for ADWAS, Abused Deaf Women Advocacy Services. By the date, I hope to move up in the company.
  • 2.2 Genetic Limits

    2035, I will be 40 years old. Our ability to replicate cells in our body becomes exhausted. At 40, it is not encouraged for women to have children because of the increased risk. My crazy invention will be to create a pill that boosts metabolism and energy to those cells helping them continue replicating cells thus making us live longer.
  • 2.4 Potential Consequence of My Current Healthy Lifestyle

    With my current healthy lifestyle, I am at risk of Diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. It is because I drink soda everyday, never exercise and eat low amount of fruit and vegetables. I am at risk for diabetes from my soda drinking habit, cancer because of my unhealthy diet and my lack of sunscreen use. Lastly, cardiovascular disease because of my unhealthy diet and soda drinking. None of my current habits are going to help prevent those conditions. But, I am committed to improve that.
  • 6.3 Ego integrity

    In Emma Becker's life history presentation, she mentioned a lot of experiences that has accumulated to the person she is at the end. By moving from Romanina, marrying young, losing his husband, having two kids, she has completed all stages in Erikson.
  • 3.2 Prospective Memory

    An IADL that will become more challenging as our prospective memory declines is remembering to do laundry on Thursdays. Our prospective memory serves us to remember one specific task. As our prospective memory capacity declines, we forget appointments, events, outing and et cetera.
  • 3.1 Procedural Memory

    An IADL that will make difficult task when procedural memory declines is learning how to take a bus to downtown. Procedural memory is responsible for skill learning and remembering it. If my procedural memory declines, I will have difficult time learning and remembering how to take on bus to downtown.
  • 8.1 The End

    Nicole Ann Tingler, 79, of Traverse City, Michigan has passed away in her home at Vancouver, British Columbia. She was born to Patrick Tingler and Brenda Weber of Traverse City. She is survived by her husband, John and their two children, Jacob and Noah. She was a best Canadian Security Intellience Service profiler. Her interests were discovering more about universe, strive for better and she loved her job. There will be a creamation ceremony for her. In lieu of flowers, look up at the stars.