Nick's life timeline

By ntlapsa
  • Being born

    Being born
    I was born on October 8th in the year of 2004 at 3:15am. I was born at resurrection hospital in Chicago.
  • Meeting my best friend

    I went to a polish kindergarten, I met my best friend Jesus there, me and him grew up together, we always hang out, and we always play basketball, we also play video games with our other friends. He has been my friend since I was like 5 years old
  • First gaming console

    First gaming console
    Back in like second grade my family got me a PS2, I remember the first game I played was cars! I still have it too, but I barely ever play on it.
  • First surgery

    First surgery
    Back when I was younger around the age of 5-8 I would constantly get sick, my throat would always hurt, I would always have a runny nose and other symptoms of being sick. So eventually my mom decided to have surgery where I got my tonsils removed.
  • Getting my dog

    Getting my dog
    Back in like 3rd grade I always wanted to get a pet dog, I loved dogs, one day my mom and grandma picked me up from school, we went to a parking lot and met with someone who breeds and sells puppies. They told me to pick the one I wanted, there was Dyziu, my little white Maltese, just playing with the other dogs, he was so adorable that I just had to pick him. I was glad with my choice!
  • Winning my first golden medal!

    Winning my first golden medal!
    When I was younger, back in like 4th grade I would go to summer camp until I stopped after 8th. During the summer camp we would have the "summer Olympics" and there were different sports we played and we also had races too. I was a runner for my team in a 1 lap race, and in that race I got 1st place, which gave me my first ever golden medal!
  • My first scar

    Back in 3rd grade I used to stay for an afterschool program, we were playing tag in the park, a kid riding a bike bumped into me, I fell and hit my forehead on a metal bench, I got stiches and it left me with a small scar on the right side of my forehead.
  • Younger brother gets born

    My brother Victor was born in December of 2015 around 3pm. I met him and when I held him for the first time I cried. I don't know why I just did
  • Getting my first honors Ribbon

    Getting my first honors Ribbon
    Back in elementary school we had these awards that were given to students that had either straight A's or A's and B's. I always got the silver ribbon, but then in 7th grade I got my first Gold ribbon because I had straight A's
  • Getting my first golden trophy

    Getting my first golden trophy
    I joined a basketball league at a rec center, there was 8 teams, my team was 14-3 in the regular season, we had 3 playoff games, we won those and went to the finals, I scored 6 points out of 54 and we won the game. I got my first trophy with my team.
  • First touchdown in football

    In 8th grade I joined the flag football team, I was a second string quarter back and a #1 wide receiver, I caught my first touchdown in the second game of the season and I was so excited!
  • Graduating elementary school

    Graduating elementary school
    On June 14th I graduated from Dever Elementary school, me and all of my friends graduated and we were all excited.
  • Getting my first job

    That summer camp I talked about in a previous event gave me my first job. I worked one summer as a camp councelor, it was a fun experience and a very simple job. It was exciting for me because I was getting paid for doing simple and fun things.
  • First day of highschool

    I was always nervous about high school, my first day was scary, I was paranoid and worried about having no friends, it was a rainy day making it worse, but I got through it, met some new people and made some new friends, it went better than I thought it would.
  • Getting my first pair of Jordans

    Getting my first pair of Jordans
    Back in 8th grade I first started getting more interested in like hyperbeat clothing and shoes, I never owned a pair of Jordan's, until my birthday. My mom got me my first pair of Jordan 13's and I was so excited.
  • Driving for the first time

    Driving for the first time
    Back when I was like 10 I would always "drive" with my grandma, as in I would sit or her lap and steer the wheel only to park, but in March of this year I finally took the test and got my permit! I was so excited, my grandma came back from work and she took me driving the same day! I find driving fun and I guess after a while it could be tiring.
  • Driving a sports car for the first time

    Driving a sports car for the first time
    I went to Arizona with my cousin and uncle, while we were down there my uncles friend that owns a Nissan Gtr let us drive it. It was my first ever sports car that I ever drove. It was so fast! It's a nice car I wish I could own some day.
  • Cashing in my first big check

    I worked freshman connection for Taft, I got a total of 840$ in one check, I had a debit card and I went to go cash it in the second I got it, I was so excited!
  • Kicking my first field goal

    I want to join the football team next year, and I'm thinking about becoming either a safety, receiver or a kicker. I am practicing all 3 of those positions. And I got my first field goal in when I started to practice on the first day
  • Getting my license

    Getting my license
    I got my permit on March 24th, 2021. I had it for 9 months and became an experienced driver within those 9 month. I went for my license on new years eve, it was so easy, and now I take my grandmas car and hangout with my friends sometimes.