Assassination of Sandino
Garcia had started gaining power because he recognized that there was a weak nation with a strong army. When he left the president's house, he was killed because he acted without approval. His death eliminated a major block in Somozo's desire for power and it ended a long dictatorship which makes it important. The source is an article from bio.graphy.yourdictionary and the title is Augusto C. Sandino. The rivalry between Sandino and Garcia had resulted in Sandino's death which I found. -
The Boom Times of 1940/1950s
Garcia had control over the economy and country. During the 1940s and 1950s, coffee prices had soared but the money went to Garcia. He owned many ranches, plantations, and power companies. This event was important because it bought Garcia many enemies and this lead to this death because one citizen was very angry that he had decided to kill him. The source I found was from morthearthtravel.com titled Nicaragua History. I found that his death led to a transfer of power in 1967. -
Formation of FSLN (Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional)
This formation of FSLN which was an opposting group against Debayle occured in 1962. It was formed a students who were angry with the dictator and foreigners. This event was important because it signified that change would only come in Nicaragua through revolution not reform. The source I found was from country studies and the title is The Sadinista Years, 1979-90. I found that FSLN had developed other mass organizations which represented the popular opinions in Nicaragua. -
The 1972 Earthquake
A major event was the 1972 Earthquake that destroyed Managua. It was found that the aid after the earthquake benefited the Somoza family and not the victims. This was important because this earthquake lost Somoza all of his supporters: political figures, middle class, and Nicaragua's elite. The source I found was an article from jstor and the title was Economic Development and Political Transformation. It is known as a secondary source. -
The fleeing of Somoza Debayle
In 1979,Debayle had fled Nicaragua. This event was important because there marked a time where there a change who had the power now since the regimes ended.For example, the Sandinistas began gaining power. A five member junta got power and many supported this new regime because the citizens saw it as a way to end repression and economic inequalities. I found an article from the source of britannica and the title is Anastasio Debayle. I found here that Debayle was finally killed in Sept.1980.