Godfreykneller isaacnewton 1689

newton (1642 - 1727)

By Januero
  • Birth

    Newton was born on December 25, 1642, in Woolsthroth, Luncolnshire England. When he was born he was very week and not expected to live.
  • School

    At the age of five, Newton goes to the village school. Six years later he is sent to a town seven miles away, named Grantham, to attend King's School When Newton is about sixteen his mother brings him home from king's school so he can learn to be a farmer, instead newton wants to study and he is eventually sent back to prepare for college, he enrolls at trinity college in Cambridge in 1661.
  • Newton receives a bachelor's of arts degree

    Newton receives a bachelor's of arts degree
    While at Cambridge University, Newton wrote in a notebook notes of things he wanted to know about. He was so involved in studying that he sometimes forgot to eat.
  • Newton joins the Royal Society of London

    Newton joins the Royal Society of London
    In 1671 Newton builds an improved version of the telescope, His friend, Dr. Barrow, Takes it to the Royal society of London, which is the country's most famous scientific society. The members are so impressed that they invite Newton to join.