Jan 1, 1492
Columbus "discovered" the Americas for Spain. -
Period: Jan 1, 1535 to Jan 1, 1541
Jacques Cartier
He explored west of Newfoundland and discovered St. Lawrence River during three voyages. (French) -
Jan 1, 1539
Hernando de Soto
Explored the Southeast region of North America for Spain. -
Jan 1, 1540
Francisco Coronado
Explored the Southwest for Spain. "Discovered" the Grand Canyon. -
Jan 1, 1580
Richard Hakluyt
He wrote many accounts of European voyages and wrote "Divers Voyages" and "Principal Navigations". (English) -
Jan 1, 1581
Phelipe de Escalante/Hernando Barrado
Expedition from Mexico to explore New Mexico, led by Francisco Chamuscado. -
Francis Drake and Martin Frobisher
they took part in the poems of George Peckham's account of Sir Humphrey Gilbert's expedition to Newfoundland. (English) -
Discourse of Western Planting
he wrorte promotional piece of writing called Discourse of Western Planting to try to get Queen Elizabeth I to support the English colonies. -
North American wealth
English financiers and searchers became curious as to what their chances for having North American wealth and claims were and if they would slowly disappear. -
Roanoke island
English established a colony on the atlantic coast. -
Port Royal
Samuel de Champlain founded Port Royal. -
Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec in 1608. (Frenc h) -
Lake Champlain
Champlain, nine French soldiers, and the Huron attacked the Iroquois and discovered Lake Champlain. (French) -
New York
September he entered what later would become New York harbor as well as the Hudson river -
Henry Hudson
Hudson left Amsterdam. Hudson made landfall on Labrador -
Gaspar Perez de Villagra
Official historian of the first Spanish expedition. Published a 34-canto epic poem documenting the Chamuscado expedition. Considered the first Europeajn poem in North America. -
Period: to
Captin Adraen
Captin adraen Block, who explored New York and southern New England -
Mississippi River
Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet discovered the Mississippi River wasn’t a water passage to the Pacific Ocean. (French) -
New Orleans
Sieur de Bienville was the founder of New Orleans and explored the Mississippi Valley. (French)