New Mexico's First City
New Mexico's first city is established in the San Juan Valley July 11th 1598. This town is established by Juan de Onate. The town is called at the time San Jaun de los Caballeros or Saint John of the Knights. -
The Battle at Acoma
The first conflict between Indians and Spainards involved the Acoma indians. The indians refused to obey the Spainards so the Spainards made a example of them by killing the resistors and then the rest bacame slaves for a time. -
Pueblo Revolt
On August 13th 1680 a Pueblo Revolt organized by Po`pe otherthrew the Spanish rule of New Mexico. Po`pe organized this because of him being arrested and causing him to despise the Spanish. Also, Native Americans were angered at the Spanish because they believed the Spanish caused the drought and wanted them out. -
Reconquest of New Mexico.
July 1st,1692 Diego De Vargas decides to try and reconquest New Mexico and eventually succeds. Po`pe had long since lost his power over the New Mexico Pueblo Indians and the other indians resulting in a civil war between hem. De Vargas finished the bloodless reconquest by the end of the year and was able to stop another Pueblo Revolt. -
Lt. Zebulon Pike traspasses into New Mexic
A brief history on PikeLt.Pike and his men accidently trasspass onto New Mexio while exploring the Louisianna Territory. He was arrested by Spanish authorities before being brought to Santa Fe and then Chihuahua to be questioned by Commandent General Scaledo. After months of diplomatic talks the let Pike and his men go. -
Mexican War for Independence
Mexicos war for Independence began in 1810. Mexican born Spanish, ex-royalists and half spanish were among the starters of the war. This group of people were considered lower class and the upper class treated the horrible compared to european born spainards. Eventually the lower class reacted and were able to defeat Spain. -
Mexican-American War
The Mexican-American War was caused by the Texas which caused Mexico consider a act of war because Mexico considered Texas part of their territory even though the Texas Annexation had already taken place. The U.S. ended up taking present day New Mexico and California after crushing Mexico. -
New Mexico`s First Try For Statehood
New Mexico tried as soon as they became a territory to apply for statehood, but they could not get into the Compromise of 1850. They continued to push for statehood, but had to close the issue as the intenseness of the Civil War and finally the Civil War happened. -
The Gadsen Purchase
During the 1800`s America grew into the familiar country we are used to seeing by buying or obtaining land. The Gadsen Purchase took up 45,000 square miles of land. The US bought it for train land and it happens to take up the lower fifth of New Mexico. -
The Battle of Glorieta Pass
The Battle of Glorieta Pass was two day long battle that resulted in the Colorado Volunteers defeating the Confederates from Texas. This took place in New Mexico and thanks to the severity of the Battle it was called The Battle of West Gettysburg. New Mexicos climate proved deadly to the texans resulting in many of them dying on the long trek back. -
Arizona and New Mexico
After New Mexico becomes a territory, but it is split in half to make a new territory by the name of Arizona, but New Mexico was still a huge area. The reasons probably had to do with size, political boundries and other issues. -
Geronimo Continued
that he didnt provoke the conflict that the United States did. -
Geronimo has to be one of the most famous apaches for his warrior spirit and his constant viciousness against United States and Mexican Autorities. It all started when Mexican authorities went to his reservation and killed his wife, children and mother. Geronimo was given his name after he attacked the Mexicans in battle later with no fear. He went around raiding and destroying crops and cities until September 4th 1886 when he was finally caught after exiting his reservation. He said later that -
Arizona and New Mexico
New Mexico and Arizona were having problems with statehood so they thought about joining up. New Mexico voted for by a large margain but, Arizona voted for the opposite. Luckily, 6 years later, New Mexico was able to get statehood. -
New Mexico State Constition
The New Mexico Constition was a safe and sane constition that was very conservative. This was because the convention was made up of conservative republicans and was headed by Solomon Luna, a very powerful sheep rancher and was also a conservative Republican as well. The constition was very protective over the hispanic population in New Mexico. -
The Taos Society of Artists
Many artists came to Taos pueblo for it`s beauty. It attracted famous recognition for the artists and paintings. This society was considered very elite and very few got in (to qualify you must have won multiple awards and been in Taos for many years.) -
Pancho Villa`s attack on Coloumbus
Pancho Villa was a mexican revolutionary general who decided in 1916 to raid Colombus, New Mexico. He attacked with upwards of 100 mexican followers. It was unsuccessful due to the fact he got meanger supplies and had many men killed. -
Influenza hits NM
New Mexico is hit with the latest influenza outbreak causing over 5,000 New Mexicans to die. Josephine Cox Anderson or the "Angel of Pecos" leads a famous hospital, due to the fact she doesn't lose a single patient. -
Santa Fe Fiesta
The Santa Fe Fiesta is a yearly event in our capital that celebrates hispanic diversity and our culture. Its a very important event with traditional art, food and generally a good time. This has been going on for almost 100 years. -
The 19th Amendment
The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote and essentially gave them equal rights to men. This second effect didn`t really take effect until later. Our state was one of the last to ratify the amendment. -
Albert Falls and the Teapot Scandel
Albert Falls was a NM native and was appointed Secretary of Interior. Unfortunatly he took bribes, did illegal deals and becaame a convicted felon. This caused a year and a day prison sentence that wasn`t carried out. He pledged his innocence till his dying day. -
Southwest Indian Fair
The Southwest Indian Fair is a gathering of nations in the Southwest area of our country. It celebrates Indian culture and is similar to a gathering of nations. Basically anybody indian is allowed to come and celebrate. -
KOB was the first radio station to began broadcasting in NM. This was major because news and such could be tranmitted especially in NM. This brought the first major technological difference for NM citizens. -
Pueblo Land Act
The Pueblo Land Act is passed in Congress to let indians keep their land. Therefore, Senator Bursum and others could no take away land from the native people. This act still effects us today and is still in place. -
The Zia symbol
The Zia symbol has always been important to NM but in 1925 they decided to adopt it as the flag. This is prevelent because this IS still our state flag and it proved back then that New Mexico was a state. -
Route 66
Route 66 is called a mother road for Los Angles, Chicago and Santa Fe. This brought tourism which of course brought money. This was important to NM for that reson and it brought more wealth for NM for a while. -
Oil found in Hobbs
Oil is found in Hobbs setting off many people to go to Hobbs to harvest the oil spot. This set off a kind of craze to get to Hobbs and get their hands on oil. This brought more people and of course more money. -
The Great Depression
A bad time in our history, it was when the economy crashed and remained falling down until 1933. Basically the prosperity fell causing instant bankruptcy for many wealth people as the economy basically shrank. Suicide went sky high as the repercusions were felt everywhere. -
New Deal
The New Deal programs were made to revitalize the economy after the Great Depression. It wasn`t as successful as it was meant to be but, at the very least we recovered from this disasterous event. These revitalized indian art and culture. -
The Beginning of War and the End of the Depression
Really, the end of the great depression was brought on by the beginning of one of the most deadliest wars ever and the New Deal programs. Even though the war brought on some of the worst casualties ever, it also stimulated the economy. Its amazing that something so bad also brings something that is actually good. -
Air Force Bases
Many Airforce bases were established during WWII to train and develop soldiers and weapons alike. All of these are still in use today but, many under different names or different objectives then in WWII. In fact, some are no longer military and in fact are airports. Some important ones like Kirkland have only expanded or remained with similar but, different objectives. -
Captain America?!
Captian America was created during this time period and was very popular. How is this important to NM? Well, not only did it raise moral but, 70 years later a little movie called The Avengers was created in New Mexico and other places. -
The Beginning Of WWII
The Beginning of WWII was brought on by Pearl Harbor being bombed by the Japanese. The next day, the President made a announcement that day that the U.S. was going to war. This affects NM for the fact that NM is a state in The U.S. The amount of soldiers lost was about 2,402 soldiers were lost and roughly 1000 were wounded. All 8 of the battleships were damaged with 4 of them being sunk. -
Surrendering of New Mexico Regiment
After multiple months of fighting Japanese High Flying Planes, Soldiers defending the Philipines had to surrender. There were no allied reinforcements and supplies began to dwindle. The POW`s of this had to suffer the Bataan Death March. None of the soldiers captured were properly taken care of, even though the Geneva Convention had already been passed. -
Navajo Code Talkers
Navajo Code Talkers where Navajo men who developed a code within a code that was complicated and near unbreakable. The code helped successfully send message to allies and help save soldiers for the fact that the Japanese couldn`t understand it. In fact, the code was used after in Veitnam and the Korean War. -
POW Camps for Japanese, Germans and Italians
All captured soldiers were round up and put in POW camps and four of them were established in NM to detain them and give them proper treatment but, they were still treated as prisoners. By 1945 (end of WWII) they were emptied. Also, these camps housed japanese, italians and germans alike. All the prisoners were properly taken care of because of the Geneava Convention. -
Los Almaos: The Beginning
The Town was officially established in 1942 after the government bought it from a Ranch School. It was a government town that was full of scientists that had developed the first atomic bomb. The town was all but, abandoned after but, some of the scientists stayed to populate the area and a rather large lab was set up... -
Home Front
The Home Front was filled with drives to save money and materials to suport the war effort.This meant that things such as Victory Gardens became extremely popular again too help the government and also bonds were used popularily again to raise money for the government and provide support to the war effort. The effort was almost identical to that of WWI. -
Atomic Bomb
The Atomic Bomb was first tested in Los Alamos, New Mexico at the Trinity Site. The bomb actually worked to some surprise and also emotion when they saw the raw power of it. Eventually it was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which held deadly consequences while bringing a end to this terrible war. -
Japan Surrenders
Well, this was the official end to WWII. After years of fighting, Japan was the last to give up as 2 atomic bombs were dropped (little boy and fat man) where both raised a 6 digit death toll. This relates to New Mexico for the fact that the end of the war was important for all the states, including us. -
Los Alamos Labs
After successfully creating Atomic Bombs, Los Alamos Labs was established to research about stuff similar to this. This provided hundreds of new jobs and life to a quite deserted area. Now it is a thriving company that bring hundreds of people jobs and interest in a not so remarkable area. -
Total Dead
The total dead in New Mexico was about 240 soldiers. This is a important reminder of how many lives that are lost during war. A large amount of the dead came from the Bataan Death March. These deaths should remain testament that war is really a horrible thing. A famous quote goes by "It is good that war is so horrible, if not we might grow to fond of it...'. -
USS New Mexico
The USS New Mexico was actually built during WWI and decommsioned after. She (nicknamed: The Queen) was mainly used for transporting other ships and also was used to assualt smaller Japanese controlled islands it was retired about roughly 30 years later. This relates to New Mexico for the fact that it was successful and was named after the state. -
Georgia Lusk
A New Mexican Women, she was the first to be elected into office for NM. This was a great reminder that times were changing towards more equality and less sexism and racism. -
The Second Red Scare
It was a sudden fear of communism and the USSR that caused Americans to be even more fearful of Communism and its influeunce in total. It was caused by a mix of McCarthyism and the Cold War. -
The Roswell Incident
One of the most controversal incidents of all time that is believed either to be a crashed weather balloon or an alien UFO. It was also one of the most wrapped up events which led even more speculation into what it was. Of course, this all happened in roswell NM. -
Native Americans Can Vote
Finally, Native Americans were allowed to vote on public elections and this was a great step towards equal rights for minorities such as Native Americans. -
State Bird
The State Bird is named in New Mexico as the Roadrunner. A bird that cannot fly but, rather relies on it`s long legs to get out of danger. Native to New Mexico it is truly the state bird. -
Uranium in Grants
One of the largest deposits in the US, Uranium was found on the property of a Grants Sheep Herder. The area was immediatly flooded by eager miners, the Uranium makes up about 60% of the US`s Nuclear Arsenel. -
Smokey, the bear
Smoky the Bear was first inspired by a bear cub that rescued in a fire and badly burned. The cub seemed to have been orphaned because of the fire and since then, The bear has been animated and saying slogans (Only you can stop wildfires) becoming an icon against fires. -
Schools are no longer segregated
The New Mexico Supreme Court outlaws the segregation of schools Even though few schools were segregated, it also had symbolism that NM was no longer a racist state and wouldn`t support the "seperate but, equal" BS. -
Rio Grande Gorge
The Rio Grande Gorge Bridge was completed during this year. Now, it is still in use and has great scenic view from the bridge. -
The Sandia Peak Tramway
The 2.7 mile long tramway is opened in ABQ. When built, it was the largest in the entire world and is still a popular tourist site that recieves lots of attention and brings tourist money to the state. -
The Pit
The ever so famous pit was built during this year as the place for Lobos and fans alike. Built to accomadate in the thousands, it is known as one of the loudest places to play at as the Lobos have a great winning record at their home. -
The Film Commision
The Film Commision has first created in New Mexico. I am surprised that there wasn`t one before this year but, the films were begining to be regulated and it started in New Mexico. -
Taos Pueblo
The Taos pueblo was granted back Blue Lake and 40,000 acres of land by President Nixon. The land was already supposed to be sacred and cut off from the public, but tourists are toursits. -
Bless Me, Ultima
Bless Me, Ultima is a book that follows a young boy in 1944 NM and blends Southern New Mexican Folklore into it, making it a very emotional and popular book about realism and folk tale to make a great book. In fact, the book has been made into a movie that captured it almost as well as the play. -
The Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
One of the most popular events for New Mexicans and Tourists alike, it features Balloons from around the world in a huge gathering that shows hundreds of Balloons going up with special colors and shapes to create a beautiful spectical for the onlookers. -
Very Large Array
The first Array is put up in Socorro New Mexico. This place takes radio waves to produce images to see deep into outer space. The place has tourist attention and actually feature in a mildly popular movie at the time. -
The first office for Microsoft opens in 1975. We all know what happened to Microsoft after a few more years and it is know a successful computer company that owns Xbox. -
The CRAY-1 SuperComputer was installed in Los Alamos Labs, the first of its kind. It was installed for a test trial for a 6 month period where it was ultimately successful. -
Dealiest Prison Riot
The Deadliest Prison riot in all of US took place in New Mexico Penitantary. There was 33 deaths of inmates and over 200 inmates were injured. Only 7 officers were injured and none were killed but, due to the amount of disembered remains though, that might be a inaccurate number. -
International UFO Museum
The International Museum Of UFOs was opened in 1992 for the fact that so many people thought that a UFO crashed in Roswell. The area is filled with memorabilia and will make any believer in UFOs quite happy. -
Clinton Promotes Los Alamos Labs
President Clinton visited Los Alamos Labs to see the birthplace of the atomic bomb. After seeing all of this, he gave los alamos a 20 billion dollar grant for defencive research. -
The North American Free Trade Agency opens up more trade with Mexico. New Mexico is easily effected for the fact that we are one of the states that share a border with Mexico. The deal opened up more imports for the US to take in. -
400 year anniversary
New Mexico was founded in 1598 by Juan Onate, which we celebrated over 400 years later. If not for Juan Onate, New Mexico would not have been discovered for more time and we probably would of been taken over by france or britian. -
Underground Nuclear Testing
Los Alamos Labs began nuclear testing underground. They put Plutoniom A-Bombs deep underground in capsules that exploded. The testing was later made illegal. -
11.65% employment
Our unemployment reached nationwide high as the economy went down the drain. This was a crazy high that almost beat records if not for the Great Depression. This high luckly went down after the recession that left destruction in our economy. -
Poverty Rate
New Mexico is officaly declared the poorest state in the nation. This is very bad for the state giving us national attention as a very poor state. Currently, we are still ranked in the bottom 5 and we have had no major success moving up. -
Death Penalty Abolished
The Death Penalty was officaly abolished in 2009 after some feirce legislature. Any case after 2009 will not have the death penalty on the table but, any case that started in 2009 will remain with the possibility of thw death penalty. -
Prisoners Captured
Some prisoners that escaped from a Arizona prison were later captured in Santa Rosa NM. They were charged for escaping and 1st degree murder agaisnt a lady who helped them escape from prison. -
Susana Martinez
Susana Martinez was the first women govoner to be elected to New Mexico Office. She was also the first Hispanic Women Governer to be elected in the US. Susana is still govenor and is constantly asked about the potential of presidency. -
Los Alamos Labs and The Wildfire
The wildfire was threatening to compromise Los Alamos Labs. The thing is that the labs also has nuclear waste stored in them and if it was lit.....nuclear fire? The wildfire luckily didn`t reach it. -
Chris Garcia Arrested
Chris Garcia was a former University Of NM president that was reportedly arrested for running a online prostatution ring that had 2000 members and 200 prostatutes. -
New Mexico Gila Wilderness fire
This fire was started in Gila Forest that scorhed a record 177,000 acres in the forest. This was all over the news for sometime for the fact that it was so large and was barely being contained. -
Current Day
Current Day in America, 15 trillion dollar debt, homework and other stuff. This is just a marker. -
A supposed event is supposed to take place in 2012 that would kill us all and create a apocalypse. This was created by a Mayan Calender that was finished on 12/21/12. This has convinced some people that they must survive this supposed apocalypse somehow.