
Nelson Mandela events

  • The first Europeans to live in South Africa

    The first Europeans to live in South Africa
    The Dutch
  • Discovery of daiamonds and gold

    Discovery of daiamonds and gold
    British and Boers fought two wars
  • The Boers moved at north

    Thousand of Boers gathered their slaves, cattle and sheep and moved north
  • The African National Congress (ANC) was created

    The African National Congress (ANC) was created
    to help black people
  • Nelson Mandela birth

    Nelson Mandela birth
  • Nelson went to Healdtown College, in Fort Beaufort

    Nelson went to Healdtown College, in Fort Beaufort
    he went with his best friend Justice
  • Nelson began studying law at the University of the Witwatersrand

    Nelson began studying law at the University of the Witwatersrand
    when he finished his degree
  • Nelson joined the African National Congress (ANC)

    and a group of leaders, including Mandela, created the ANC Youth League
  • Nelson first son (Thembi)

    Nelson first son (Thembi)
    The mother was Evelyn
  • Nelson was elected the secretary of the Youth League

    Nelson was elected the secretary of the Youth League
  • The conservative National Party was elected

  • The organitation created the Programme of Action

    There would be strikes protests and other kinds of non-violent action
  • Freedom Day

  • Mandela finished law school

  • The Defiance Campaing

    More than eight thousand five hundred people took part
  • Mandela's ban was lifted and he was allowed to travel outside Johannesburg

  • National Party was re-elected in 1953

  • Mandela was arrest

  • Mandela and Evelyn divorced

    They had more sons
  • Nelson marries Winnie Madikizela

    Nelson marries Winnie Madikizela
  • The ANC created a new organitzation called the Pan African Congress (PAC)

    The ANC created a new organitzation called the Pan African Congress (PAC)
    The PAC didn't want white members and they didn't want whites, Asians or mixed race people in the new South Africa
  • The Sharpeville massacre

    The Sharpeville massacre
    The police shoot at some protestors. Sixty nine people were dead
  • Mandela was guilty and sentenced him to life in prison

    Mandela was guilty and sentenced him to life in prison
    This was the judge decision
  • Mandela's son (Makgatho) had a motor accident

    Mandela's son (Makgatho) had a motor accident
  • The Soweto uprising

  • Mandela and Walter Sisulu were secretly moved from Robben Island to Pollsmoor Maximum Security Prison

  • Concert calling for Nelson Mandela to be freed

    Concert calling for Nelson Mandela to be freed
    This concert was in London
  • Botha was replaced by a new leader, FW de Klerk

    Botha was replaced by a new leader, FW de Klerk
  • Several times IFP members attacked and killed ANC members

    Several times IFP members attacked and killed ANC members
    (IFP) = Inkatha Freedom Party
  • Mandela left prison

    27 years in prison he pass
  • Nelson speaking to 120,000 ANC supporters after being freed from prison

    Nelson speaking to 120,000 ANC supporters after being freed from prison
  • Nelson Mandela meeting Margaret Thatcher at 10 Downing Street

    Nelson Mandela meeting Margaret Thatcher at 10 Downing Street
  • Mandela and de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

    Mandela and de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Election day

  • Nelson Mandela was made South Africa's president

    Nelson Mandela was made South Africa's president
  • Mandela began a relationship whit Graça Machel

    Mandela began a relationship whit Graça Machel
  • Crowds in London remember Stephen Biko

    Crowds in London remember Stephen Biko
  • Nelson retired at the age of eighty five

  • Nelson Mandela died

    Nelson Mandela died
    93 years