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Nelson Mandela

  • Birth

    Nelson was born on July 18, 1918 in Mvezo
  • Friends

    Nelson met Oliver Tambo at the University of Fort Hare
  • Employed as Politician

    Employed as Politician
    Nelson became a politician in 1942
  • Married

    Nelson married his 1st wife Evelyn Mase
  • Divorce

    Nelson divorces Evelyn Mase
  • Imprisonment

    Nelson was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment at the Rivonia Trial. He was arrested for trying to overthrow the state. He spent 27 years in prison. The years split between Pollsmoor Prison and Victor Verster Prison.
  • Tuberculosis

    Nelson was diagnosed with tuberculosis which is a potentially serious infectious bacterial disease which affects the lungs. After he was out of the hospital, Nelson was sent straight back to prison.
  • Released From Prison

    Released From Prison
    Nelson got released from prison in 1990 because of fears of racial civil war in South Africa and international pressure.
  • Ending of Apartheid

    Nelson negotiated with the president of South Africa to end apartheid.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    Nelson received a Nobel Prize alongside F.W De Klerk, the president of South Africa at the time. They received it for ending the apartheid.
  • Presidency and 2nd Marriage

    Nelson became president in 1994. During his presidency he created The Nelson Mandela Foundation and married Graca Machel.
  • Death

    Nelson Mandela died at age 95 in Johannesburg in 2013. His cause of death was a respiratory virus.