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Nelson Mandela

  • Last Russian Czar killed

    Last Russian Czar killed
    In 1918 Russia is in ruins. People were on strikes and most people were killed from the war. Then their was a revolution that went all the way to the czars palace. So the czar and his family moved to a house in the middle of no where so no one could find them. But they were eventually found and executed by the soviets, the people who started the revolution. (
  • Nelson Mandela's childhood

    Nelson Mandela's childhood
    Nelson Mandela was born into a royal family of a Thembu tribe in Southern Africa. His father, Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa, was the chief of his tribe. In 1927 as a 9 year old boy his father died and was later put up for adoption. He was adopted by Jongintaba Dalindyebo who was a regent from the Thembu tribe. He was the first of his family to receive a formal education. (
  • U.S Marines Dispatched to Nicaragua

    U.S Marines Dispatched to Nicaragua
    In the year of 1926 the U.S marines were dispatchedd to Nicaragua. The marines were dispatched because of many civil wars that had happened over the years. But in 1926 their was a new revolt in Nicaragua. When the marines were dispatched people in Nicaragua were angry and darted more protests. When they were in Nicaragua there were bombings in many places all over Nicaragua and more marines were rushed down. (
  • University of Fort Hare

    University of Fort Hare
    Nelson Mandela entered the University of Fort Hare in 1939. The University of Fort Hare was the firstWestern-style, higher learning institute in South Africa for the blacks at the time. The next year,1940, their was a boycott against the Universities policies. Nelson Mandela and his later business partner, Oliver Tambo, and many others were sent home for boycotting the schools policies. (
  • Joining the ANC

    Joining the ANC
    In 1942 Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress also known as the ANC. Mandela had a very large commitment to politics. Mandela helped lead most of the ANC's campaigns and protests. One of the biggest campaigns that he was involved in was the Campaign for the Defiance of Unjust laws. Part of this campaign was that he traveled across the country to organize protest to promote the Freedom Charter. (
  • Invasion of Normandy

    Invasion of Normandy
    The invasion of Normandy, also known as D-Day, was the most brutal battle to take place in World War 2. This battle was between allied nations and Nazi Germany. Before the battle the allied nations soldiers had to cross the River Siene to get to Normandy. During this battle 300 planes dropped 13,000 bombs over Normandy. This battle had many casualties. By the end of the war their had been 209,000 allied casualties and 200,000 German casualties. (
  • An Election Victory

    An Election Victory
    In 1948 the Afrikaner dominated the national party. When the ANC was growing stronger at the time they were in a election. And later on they won the election. When the ANC won the election the government introduced a formal system of racial classification and segregation. This restricted nonwhites basic rights. ( (
  • A Black Law Firm

    A Black Law Firm
    In 1952 racism in South Africa was still high. Mandela was still in the ANC. But while he was working in the ANC he was also setting up the first black law firm in South Africa. He founded this law firm with his business partner and friend from the University of Fort Hare Oliver Tambo. At his law firm the two offered free or low-cost legal counsel to the people affected by discrimination or segregation legislature. The name of this law firm was Mandela and Tambo attorney. (
  • Arrested and Trialed for treason

    Arrested and Trialed for treason
    The year was 1956 and Mandela and 155 other activists had been arrested. All of them went in trial for treason. A couple of years later police officers opened fire on a black protest. This shooting killed 69 people. And now that Mandela and many others were still in jail made things worse. Anger and riots had started to sweep the country. The black people of South Africa wanted the one person who could help, out of prison. (
  • Alaska and Hawaii become part of U.S.A

    Alaska and Hawaii become part of U.S.A
    In 1957 a big change happened in the United States. The U.S gained two more states to make 50 states. Something else happened in the U.S. The were findings of hominid fossils.
  • They are Free, Except one

    They are Free, Except one
    In 1961 all the defendants from being arrested in 1956 were acquitted. Except one person. Nelson Mandela was not acquitted. Mandela was kept in jail for many more years. He spent a total of 27 years in jail. The other defendants were acquitted because the government believed that Mandela was the one who started everything and joined the people in. The picture in this event shows the people getting out of prison. (Benson: 50)
  • U.S Apollo and Soviet Soyuz

    U.S Apollo and Soviet Soyuz
    On May 15, 1975 the two countries, United States and Soviet Union, joined together to put their two spacecrafts into orbit. They set off to space as the first space flight to join two different nations together. This flight also happened to be the last flight of the Apollo for it was retiring. They made this trip to space to show that two countries that once were fighting can work together and get things done. (
  • A protest for freedom

    A protest for freedom
    In 1980 Mandela was still imprisoned. Oliver Tambo created a "Free Nelson Mandela" campaign. Creating this campaign fueled the outcry of South Africa's racist regime. Because of this campaign the government said they would give Mandela freedom in exchange for many political compromises. But Mandela refused. Mandela was now moved to different prisons in South Africa. And 10 years later on February 11, 1990 they ordered the release of Mandela. (
  • Iraq invades Kuwait

    Iraq invades Kuwait
    On July 20, 1990 the Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait and stoped their petroleum reserves. This all happened because Iraq thought that Kuwait took some of their petroleum reserves. Saddam Hussein, the leader of Iraq, demanded the Iraqi troops to invade Kuwait and this was the start of the Persian Gulf War. (
  • Becoming the President

    Becoming the President
    After Mandela was finally released from prison the ANC decided to lead the National Party in the presidential election of South Africa. On April 26, 1994, 22 million people turned in their ballots for Nelson Mandela. He became the first black president in South Africa. As president of South Africa established the Truth and Reconciliation Comission to investigate human rights and political violations. He also wanted a new Constitution for South Africa. (
  • Goodbye Mandela

    Goodbye Mandela
    On December 5, 2013 Nelson Mandela past away at the age of 95. Mandela made an impact on what countries are like today. Now their is not as much racism. The United States had a black president for the first time. And many other things. He will have a great legacy for the world and especially for South Africa because of his fight to end racism. In the picture for this event, it is a picture of Mandela's casket with people going up to the casket to pay their respects. (