Dutch entered south africa
The first Hollanders to set foot in south africa. -
He was born in 1918 into the Madiba tribal clan, part of the Thembu people, in a small village in the eastern Cape of South Africa. -
Nelsom mandela went to boarding school.
he pased hes exams in the age of 19
he was a long- distance runner and a boxer. -
he went to fort hare university
Jan Smuts delivered the message that 2. world had started.
the ANC had three goals, they wanted to end discrimination , the right for black people to buy land, and full citizenship for africans. -
they were forced to marry someone they did not know.
Mandela and a friend started youth leage of the ANC
Nelson mandela married evelyn
there first son was born
there second daughter died as 9 month old. -
the national paryt for the government
the new policy was apartheid. -
the first MK bomb went off in johannesburg.
he got soldiertraining in ethiopia.
he tried to tell a fake name, but the policie knew who he was.
he was in prison for 5 years 3 for telling people to strike, and 2 for leaving the country without a passboard
mandela was sent to the prison Robben Island
When he heard that the police had raided the farm and revonia, arrested all his friends including Walter Sisulu and a white man, Dennis goldberg.
mandele held a speach for 4 hours
mandela was 64 years old when he returned to Robben Island.
winnie was imprisoned for 17 months.
hes family visited him.
mendela attempted to escepa from prison.
the president announced that he was going to end apartheid.
mendelas glasses were
mandela became president of ANC
ANC gor 62,5% of the votes
mandela and winnie divorced
Mandel stepped down from being president for ANC
Mandela retired from being president.