Nelson Mandela

By fteeter
  • Founding of the ANC

    The African National Congress was formed as the governing body of South Africa.
  • Congress Youth League Founded

    The Congress Youth League is the youth wing of the African National Congress.
  • Defiance Campaign Against Unjust Laws

    This was the demonstration against the African National Congress that got Nelson Mandela put in prison. They were protesting racist governmental laws and actions.
  • Albert Luthuli Wins Nobel Peace Prize

    Albert Luthuli was awarded the 1960 Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent opposition to the apartheid government.
  • Sharpeville Massacre

    After a demonstration at the Sharpeville police department by protestors of apartheid, the police opened fire upon the crowd, killing 69 people.
  • Spear of the Nation Formed

    Nelson Mandela formed the armed wing of his organization, the Spear of the Nation, after he had decided that nonviolent resistance no longer had a great enough effect.
  • Mandela Sentenced to Life in Prison

    Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for his displays of defiance against the government.
  • Soweto Uprising

    The Soweto Uprising was a protest of approximately 20,000 high school students who rebelled upon the decree of a law requiring that their education be switched to the language of Afrikaans.
  • Steve Biko Dies

    Anti-apartheid activist, Steve Biko, died in police custody in 1976 at the age of 30.
  • Desmond Tutu Nobel Peace Prize

    Awarded the Nobel Prize for his work toward equality.
  • Nelson Mandela Freed

    Nelson Mandela was freed after 27 years in prison.
  • Nelson Mandela Elected President of South Africa

    Nelson Mandela was elected first black president of South Africa.
  • Pass Laws

    Laws that hindered movement of blacks. The pass was a booklet required to be on all blacks for identificatio.