
By tlrhrmn
  • Argentina fights for Independence

    Argentina fights for Independence
    Napolean overthrew Spanish Bourbons and weakened Spanish authority in the New World.
  • Louis XVIII accepts the Napoleonic Code

    Louis XVIII accepts the Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic Code guaranteed equality under the law established a bicameral legislature. This pleased neither side: liberals said he hadn’t gone far enough and ultraroyalists criticized any compromise.
  • Ferdinand VII, a Bourbon, put on Spanish Throne

    Ferdinand VII, a Bourbon, put on Spanish Throne
    Ferdinand battled the Cortes (legislature) and even tore up the constitution. Army officers and middle-class merchants eventually overthrew him
  • Britain was governed by landowners

    Britain was governed by landowners
    Voting was restricted by the landed gentry, newly expanding cities were wildly underrepresented
  • Corn Law

    Corn Law
    Tories passed the Corn Law, therefore placing high tariffs on foreign grain, this benefitted the landowners but devastated the poor with rising prices.
  • Frederic William III becomes more reactionary

    Frederic William III becomes more reactionary
    In reaction, university professors and students formed the Burschenschaften for a free, united Germany
  • Liberation of Chile

    Liberation of Chile
    Led by José de San Martin against the Spanish.
  • Burschenschaften celebrates Luther

    Burschenschaften celebrates Luther
    They honored the 300th anniversary of Luther’s 95 Theses by burning conservative books
  • Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle

    Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle
    Quadruple Alliance agreed to lift the occupation of France and became the Quintuple Alliance
  • Liberation of Colombia

    Liberation of Colombia
    Led by Simón Bolivar against the Spanish
  • Peterloo Massacre

    Peterloo Massacre
    Troops attacked 60,000 people protesting against the Corn Law, killing 11. Parliament reacted by clamping down on demonstrations and the distribution of pamphlets.
  • Metternich drew up the Karlsbd Decrees

    Metternich drew up the Karlsbd Decrees
    Closed the Burschenschaften, censored the press, kept an eye on universities
  • Congress of Troppau

    Congress of Troppau
    The Quintuple Alliance met to deal with revolutions in Spain and Italy. The Principle of Intervention is discussed, but no action is taken.
  • Congress Laibach

    Congress Laibach
    Great Britain refused to approve intervention. Austria, Russia, and Prussia authorized Austria to invade Naples.
  • Liberation of Venezuela

    Liberation of Venezuela
    Led by Simón Bolivar against the Spanish
  • Liberation of Peru

    Liberation of Peru
    Led by José de San Martin against the Spanish.
  • Greeks Revolt

    Greeks Revolt
    Greeks revolted against the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Austria, Russia, and Prussia authorized France to invade Spain.
  • France invades Spain

    France invades Spain
    The French successfully restore Ferdinand to the throne
  • Charles X takes the throne

    Charles X takes the throne
    He indemnified the nobles whose lands were lost in the Revolution and encouraged the Catholic Church to return to its role in controlling French education
  • Mexican, Central American, Brazilian Independence

    Mexican, Central American, Brazilian Independence
    All achieved by this date. Britain kept others from intervening, proposed jointly protecting Latin America along with U.S. President Monroe rejected Britain, proposed the Monroe Doctrine, guaranteed their freedom, and protected against European intervention. Britain merchants moved in and dominated Latin America’s economy
  • Alexander I of Russia dies

    Alexander I of Russia dies
    Previously Enlightened, but turned reactionary. He caused the formation of secret societies. His older brother, Nicholas takes the throne. This causes a rebellion and Russia becomes even more reactionary as a result.
  • Ottoman Armada is defeated

    Ottoman Armada is defeated
    A combined British-French fleet defeated the Ottoman armada
  • Charles X accepts that his ministers must be responsible to the legislature

    Charles X accepts that his ministers must be responsible to the legislature
  • Russia invades Ottoman Empire

    Russia invades Ottoman Empire
    Russia invaded Ottoman-controlled Moldavia and Wallachia
  • Treaty of Adrianople

    Treaty of Adrianople
    Allowed Russia, France, and Britain to decide Greece’s fate
  • Charles X violates the previous agreement

    Charles X violates the previous agreement
  • Greece was granted independence

    Greece was granted independence
  • Whigs gain power

    Whigs gain power
    By 1830, Whigs had begun to receive support from the industrial middle class while Tories remained highly conservative
  • Charles X dissolves the legislature

    Charles X dissolves the legislature