Narrabeen Man Timeline

  • 50,000 BCE

    Earliest Evidence of Aboriginal People in Australia

    The Earliest Evidence of Aboriginal People in Australia was a footprint found in the sand. Over the years more evidence has been found but the date of when people think aboriginals were first here keeps changing. However, this is just part of the story, because Aboriginal people traditionally believe they have been here in their country since the time of creation and, prior to that, the continent was a ‘land before time’.
  • 40,000 BCE

    Mungo Lady and Mungo Man

    Mungo Lady and Mungo Man might be the most important human remains ever found in Australia. World. These 42,000 year old ritual burials are some of the oldest remains of modern humans (Homo sapiens) yet found outside of Africa. Mungo Lady is the oldest known cremation in the world.
  • 3300 BCE

    Otzi The Iceman

    Otzi is a wet mummy that was mummified naturally in the glacier ice. Due to the length of time he/she was in the snow and ice, the body dehydrated, which means most of the body lost fluid. Most mummies were treated with substances after their organs had been removed. Otzi is unique in that he has been preserved almost perfectly.
  • 3000 BCE

    Mesopotamian Cuneiform

    Cuneiform is a system of writing first developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia around 3500-3000 BCE. It is considered the most significant among the many cultural contributions of the Sumerians and the greatest among those of the Sumerian city of Uruk which advanced the writing of cuneiform around 3200 BCE
  • 2500 BCE

    Great Pyramid in Egypt

    The Great Pyramid of Giza is a defining symbol of Egypt and the last of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World. The pyramid rises to a height of 146 meters with a base of 230 meters and is comprised of over two million blocks of stone.
  • 2000 BCE

    Narrabeen Man Death

    Around 2000 BC the Narrabeen man died. Nobody knows exactly how he died but experts have some ideas. The Narrabeen man was found under a bus stop with bones missing and fish bones in his stomach. He also appeared to have suffered a blow to the head and there were three sphere points in his body, one was through his stomach. He was unusually tall and thick boned. This may have played a part in his death along with the fact that his front teeth were in tact, This means he was not part of a tribe.
  • The First Fleet

    11 ships with convicts and crew members arrive on the coast of new south whales. This is the beginning of white people in Australia
  • WW1

    In 1914 a brutal world war started. It lasted till the 2nd of September 1918
  • WW2

    The second world war was just as brutal But in this war the natzies joined and threatened millions of civilians. Hitler was a horrible man.
    This world war finished in 1945
  • Vietnam war

    The Vietnam war killed thousands maybe millions of people and Australia had soldiers in it. Vietnam were tactical and it finished in 1975.
  • My 8th Birthday

    My 8th birthday was a very fun birthday because I had all my friends over and we had a great time. Also this was a very important event in time to me because I had all my family over and we had a lovely time together.
  • Trip to America

    In year 3 I went to Florida, America, this was an amazing holiday. In Florida I went to all the theme parks. 2 weeks into the holiday I went to the Kennedy Space Center and we stayed near there for 2 nights. And to finish off the holiday I went on a cruise fir 1 week and I made a pan pal who I am still in contact with. On the cruise we went around the Bahamas and relaxed.
  • My Uncle Died

    This was a sad time for my whole family because my mum had to travel to Sydney to help my aunty. This was an important event in my life because it taught me to appreciate my family and be grateful for my life. My aunty now has it tough because she has a disabled son and a my nanny lives with her.
  • Year 7

    In 2018 I started year 7 this was a major change in school and I love working with everyone. This is an important event to me because I start learning what high school is going to be like.