
  • The day i was born

    I was born on April 1, 1999 at 9:36 pm. I was born in Oceanside California at tri-city hospital.
  • Moved to Arizona

    We have moved to Bullhead city Arizona in 2003. We had no choice because we were exposed to mold in California. Also, my great grandma who was 80 at the time needed people to take care of her. So we moved in with her.
  • The school lost me.

    The school i went to had certain buses to go on to get to the right bus stop, and the school put me on the wrong bus and took me to the wrong stop. Luckily i didnt get off cause i knew not to. My mom was worried sick. She called the cops and everything. She was so mad. The school bus took me to the office to call my mom. My mom was so happy to see me.
  • got arrested

    Me and my friend went out past cerfuw to go on a walk and the cops just arrested us.
  • Got pregnant

    I found out i was pregnant. I was about 8 weeeks along.
  • Its a girl

    This was the day i found out my baby was a girl. i was 4 months.
  • baby was born

    baby was born
    My baby girl was born Summerlynn Mae Langston-Teran born 9:41 Tuesday night.