my world stage.

  • Infant.

    I was born on 8/16/2000, my mother is Amy Perkins, I was born at granville medical center, in oxford
  • when I stared to disslike going to school.

    when I stared to disslike going to school.
    I started disslikeing school when i was in 3rd grade, me and my teacher did not argree on things at all. I barley passed her class because she sent me out so much.
    image from, ""
  • lover

    I started dating this guy named Jeremy, we've been together for one year & 9 months! he's the best! almost 2 years ago I srated noticing how important he is!
  • solider

    i just graduated! im free! to collage here I come! I'm finally on my own!
    Eventually,I'm gonna move out, pay my bills, by my own car everything! im own my own!
    picture from, ""
  • justice

    Now I'm a mother, I have a daughter I've seen the adult life, I've been through it all. I'm a grown women now, I'm a wife, and mother, a daughter and a friend.
  • pantaloon

    I'm growing old. my daughter is graduated, I'm losing hair and my mind.
    image came from ""
  • chlidish

    Im old and wrinkly, my daughter is married and has her own kids. my fingers are numb, im alwasy cold, i cant hear no more, i have no teeth, i cant see, and i cant walk
    image found at