My Unique Media Timeline

  • Period: to

    My Unique Media Timeline

    This is my personal medoa timeline
  • My first media: Books

    My first media: Books
    My dad's the one who took care of my siblings and I when were kids because mom's workplace is farther than my dad's. In our house, there are a lot of books that my dad and his siblings read given by our grandparents. My dad used to say that I'd get a book and flip it's pages though I don't understand it's contents.
  • My most interesting print media: Magazines

    My most interesting print media: Magazines
    When I was 5 years old, I was already at the last year of Kindergarten when I discovered Magazines. I remembered crying because I don't want to go school, I'd rather read Magazines from "mambobote" in our area. When I discovered magazines, I instatly loved the pictures I never saw from academic and collective books we had at home. The pictures made it more understable Magazines also have smooth texture, one of the reasons I loved it though I still don't fully undertand it all.
  • My gaming print media: Newspaper

    My gaming print media: Newspaper
    Though newspapers are for updating news from governement, it used to be my past time with my dad. The sodoku and riddles at the last page of the newspaper amazes me.
  • Where I discovered cartoons: Television

    Where I discovered cartoons: Television
    When I discovered cartoons at the television, I started getting excited going back home from school to watch cartoons like spongebob squarepants, blues clues, barney and animes.
  • My first cellular phone: Nokia

    My first cellular phone: Nokia
    When mom went back home from her work, she gave me my first phone. I was only a first grader back then so I only know how to play games in my cellphone and text my dad whenever I've got a load.
  • My favorite subject: Flashcards

    My favorite subject: Flashcards
    I was an average student as a kid and I'd only excel in english and mathematics
  • Radio waves

    Radio waves
    I remember using a radio at my mom's best friend's house. They often listen to some drama and music to it and I later on adopted to it. I learned from my dad that radio waves are used to make televisions and radios work.
  • I Became A Social Person in Social Media: Facebook

    I Became A Social Person in Social Media: Facebook
    I was 10 years old when I gad my first facebook but it's purpose was only for gaming and taking and uploading pictures. I remember playing tetris, farmville, and petsociety.
  • Internet

    I used internet when I discovered that I can do various things and gather information from it
  • My first Journal

    My first Journal
    My ate was the one who gave me my first journal but only ended up as my diary of my daily happenings in the school and of my experiences
  • My Improvised Telephone

    My Improvised Telephone
    I don't know if this is considered as media but my friends and I used to play with tin can as a telephone. My two best friends are really really near neighbors that's why a tin can was convenient back then.
  • Flying Flyers

    Flying Flyers
    My dad is an employee of a politician so it was common for me to see flyers inside our house whenever election is near. I even remember seeing dad post some flyers different walls and corners in our area and my brother would be the one to disseminate it to the neighborhood
  • My Addiction: Computer Cafe

    My Addiction: Computer Cafe
    I used to be addicted to computers when I discovered that there are thousands of games that I can play there. Though we don't have our own computer, there are a lot of cafes in our are so it was easy to access to one.
  • On Top of Laptop

    On Top of Laptop
    I first had a laptop when I was 12 from my mom and I shared it with my older sister for when using when making projects and researching.
  • Lights, Camera, Action!

    Lights, Camera, Action!
    I first experience watching films from Pirated CDs bought by my dad. We used to watch action movies together.
  • Electronic Messaging

    Electronic Messaging
    I had my first e-mail when I was 2014 and I only used it for verification for other applications that I use.
  • Tumblr

    I had a tumblr when I was 14 and I used it more than I use facebook
  • Google MAIL

    Google MAIL
    I made a Gmail account because it's more convenient for me since I use android and Google often. I use Gmail to communicate formally with school admins, professors, and other people.
  • Messenger

    This is also like e-mail but I use it often for messaging my family members and my friends from different places
  • Official Gazette

    Official Gazette
    I discovered this site when I was 15 when I became a journalist. This is a good and reliable source of news.
  • News Websites

    News Websites
    CNN, Philippine Star, Philippine Daily Inquirer, The New York Times,are only few of the few trusted sites where I read news online.
  • Hello, Telephone

    Hello, Telephone
    I used a telephone before but it was only until 2016 when we had our own telephone in my mom's house.
  • Good Classroom

    Good Classroom
    I used google classroom last 2017 when Sir Darrel required us to sign up and make a google account for us to be able to enroll in his google class. He often upload class lessons in there whenever he's unable to attend physical class due to his heavy schedule