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My trajectory

  • My birth!

    My birth!
    In November 24 of 1994 i was born in the Centro Medico hospital. From that moment foward i started being part of a wonderful family that raised me always looking after me and whats best for me and my future.
  • The ligh of my eyes!

    The ligh of my eyes!
    In 2003 my niece Nyshka and my sister Neimary are born. Neimary is bron with various health complication. Today, thank God, she is healthy and a strong girl. But without a doubt every time I think I cant'n do something I think of her and that motivates me, because if she can so can I.
  • First time in school!

    In 2000 I started kindergarden at Antonia Saez elementary school located in San Juan. I've allways like to learn new things so when I started school I already knew how to read and write and thats why I always helped my teacher with the other kids in my class. So from that moment foward I thought I wanted to be a teacher.
  • Modeling!

    In 2004 I started to take modeling clases and to desing clothes. I lost all my fears of being in front of public.
  • Cheerleading!

    In 2005 I enter a cheerleading team and went to a lot of competitions. At this moment I realize that you cannot always win.
  • My true love!

    My true love!
    In 2008 I met the most amazing person in the world, he gave me a hand in a difficult moment of my life and atill to this day he is my best friend. That is when I found out that I can help other like he helped me.
  • Administration program!

    Administration program!
    In 2010 I entered the Administration Program which I participated in for 3 years. I was in various competitions and in each one I placed top 3.
  • Ballet!

    In 2011 I started dancing ballet, I discovered that it is my passion and it became what Imost love to do. I always arrived first, I loved to watch how my teacher taught the little girls that danced before me how to dance.
  • My best year!

    My best year!
    2012 was my best year and of most learning and growth in my life. I graduated from 12 with high honors and good grades so I could join the university that I aspired and study Social Sciences. My nephew was born, and I has to stay hand to hand with his mother throughout her pregnancy until his birth supporting her. This is where I realize that truly what I want to study is what I like.
  • University!

    I join the university of Puerto Rico to study Social Sciences. Now I decided to study social worker to later study psycology.
    Everything that has happened in my life is what has made me understand that despite so many things I was always inclined to help others and I found a lesson in every moment. I know that my purpose in the life is to make sure that others never give up, that they try new things. I also knows that I am here to help.
  • Conclusion!

    Every step in my life,every year of life, every person I've met, in every decision I make and every thing I do I saw the thing that made me understand that we all are good for something and I realized that I was good to make people fell better with themselves, with what they are and to make them understand that there is nothing you cannot do if you dont believe and wish to do it. My aspiration is to be useful to society!