My Timeline

  • OK. Earliest Memories.

    At this point, I can start remembering. It was when my older brother threw away my blanket, on my mothers behalf. It really was interesting because I watched him through it into the dumpster, and I stood there crying. I was about 3 years old. After that, my brother wrote me an apology letter that I could barely read. He told me that I now became a man, and part of the pack.
  • My mother.

    My mother would read to me, whenever I felt alone. Many of the other children would play and mischief, but I would not. Many of the stories I cannot remember, but I do remember Green Eggs and Ham. I loved that book.
  • When I was 5.

    Being 5 was exploitative, to say the least. I started a journal about how my day went, but I felt I couldn't write enough for it to matter. So I began to leave the nest, and go on adventures. It gave me the inspiration I was looking for.
  • Kindergarten.

    I turned 6 about two weeks after the first day of Kindergarten. I was nervous because I did not have any friends because we moved. But I had a beautiful Siberian Husky named Sundance. He was my best friend. On the first day, we created a "book" about something that made us happy. I designed mine so well, it won an award at the 4H fair.
  • Elementary.

    When I was in 5th grade, I hated reading. Everything seemed stale, because of the curriculum, When we had to do reports, I would just skim through and find the summary I was looking for.
  • Middle School.

    During middle school, I had English as a class. It was not what I expected. Boring to say the least. I think the teacher scold'd me once for correcting her on grammar.
  • Reading.

    I chose to read tech magazines. I felt I was not learning anything via novels. I wanted knowledge. Now, some novels have knowledge, but I consumed that knowledge through quotes and quips.
  • Later High School.

    Heh. During computer class, I would finish everything in a matter of minutes and have endless free time. I ended up surfing the internet about how things works. I got in trouble though. Apparently, the content was unacceptable.
  • High School.

    During high school, I imagined myself to be successful. I would write out my future as wishful thinking. I wrote about being flourished with endless excitement and company, I wanted friends who where on my level, so I created them.
  • For my finale.

    I would like to share a poem I wrote in previous years, It is very personal. It has been shared among hundreds of people in distress due to addiction whom have sought help. This is only part the beginning due to the limitations. Dear Addiction I’m writing this poem, and it’s just for you
    In this poem, you’ll learn we’re through
    I can’t take what you’ve been doing, not anymore
    I don’t even know what I liked you for
    All you did was wear me out
    But now I know what you’re all about.