My Timeline

  • UNIX

    Operating system developed at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson, and others. UNIX was the precursor to BSD, Mac OS, and Linux.
  • Microprocessor

    The first commercial microprocessor, model 4004, invented at Intel by Faggin, Hoff, Shima, and others. Paved the way for smaller computers.
  • C Programming Language

    C Programming Language
    A powerful programming language created by Dennis Ritchie. Many operating systems today still use C as their base.
  • Microcontroller

    First commercial microcontroller, the TMS 1000, developed by Texas Instruments. Effectively a self-contained computer. Used where space is extremely limited, as in home appliances.
  • Apple I

    Apple I
    Personal computer created my Steve Wozniak for the new computer start-up, Apple. Allowed easy computer access for the public.