My Timeline

  • Got a used iPhone 4

    My father upgraded to an iPhone 4S. He gave me his old iPhone 4. I thought it was the coolest thing on earth as a 9 year old.
  • Got a Wii U

    My first game console was the Wii U. It had a tablet for a controller. While it was weaker than the PS4 at the time, the Wii U had many great games like Super Smash Brothers.
  • Got my first Chromebook

    My school gave everyone Chromebooks. Before that, I did all my classwork through paper and pencil. The Chromebook really changed how learning took place.
  • Upgraded to iPhone 7

    After 5 years of using my iPhone 4, I finally got a new iPhone 7. I felt the 7+ had too many big bezels so I went for the smaller phone. It was so amazing going from a 3.5" screen on the iPhone 4 to the much larger screen.
  • Switched to a Surface Pro for College

    I always used a Chromebook. However, it lacked Microsoft Office. Google Docs was good enough for primary school, but it had too many limitations for college. So I upgraded to the Surface Pro.