My timeline

  • My Birth-date

    I was born July 19, 2000. In Phoenix at the Maricopa hospital. I don't know what happened that day I just know I was born into this world.
  • When Desire was born

    My little sister was born October 5, 2005. I remember I was so happy even though I was 5 years old but I saw how excited my parents were. I wanted to be beside my mom but the nurses turned me around and put me behind a curtain and I started crying because I wanted to be there. I love watching her grow up even if she's a little brat sometimes.
  • My Quinceanera

    My quinceanera was July 18, 2015. One day before my birthday. I always dreamed about having one ever since I was a little girl. My parents always tried to change my mind and they'd want me to have a car or a trip, but they never convinced me into those things. It's weird because as much as they tried to make me change my mind they had a blast that night! It will be a night I will never forget!
  • When I got my first car

    I got my first car after my quinceanera. I know my parents said they wanted me to pick between a car or a party and of course i chose my party but after that they gave me a truck. I got an Escalade, its pearl and it's so beautiful. I'm thankful for my parents!
  • When Erick Emmanuel was born

    My baby nephew was born February 21, 2017. It was the most happiest moment in my family's life. Now he's a healthy 10 month old fat, fat, fat baby boy!
  • Miss Arizona Latina Pageant 2017

    So, last year I joined modeling. It was the most wonderful experience I've ever had. I didn't win the crown but I got to win Miss Simpathy and Miss Photogenic.
  • Graduation!

    May 24th is the day I've been waiting for. I hope I don't slack off this year, I'm really looking forward to walk down that field. I'm super excited. I can't wait to see what's after this.