My Timeline

  • My Birth

  • Car Crash

    My mom and I had a car crash. It made me realize that you have to look out for other people and watch out because you never know what's going to happen next. Anyone can make an mistake.
  • Nephew Was Born

  • First Day of Ninth Grade

    When I first went to high school, I thought it was going to be easy, drama free, and I was still going to have all of my friends from middle school. I was completely wrong, drama started right away, I lost most of my friends, and some classes were really hard for me. I learned that not everyone is going to be there for you and sometimes, you have to do things on your own.

    When I first started JROTC, it made me want to help others. In my family, it's usually the boys that only does that. I'm the only girl in my family that wants to be in the Army and fight for this country.
  • My Brother Went To Jail

  • Wake Up Call

    My mom never ever liked going to the doctor but one day, I had to take her to the ER. The doctor said she has the worst case of liver disease. It made me realize that you have to take care of yourself and others.
  • My Mom Died

    My mom passed away, she had liver disease because she used to drink a lot. She was my best friend, she still is. It made me realize that you never know who is going to leave this world. You have to live in the moment and appreciate everything. Tell your friends and family that you love them and thank them. You never know what's going to happen next.
  • Depression and Anxiety Hit

  • Met Someone Who Helped Me