My timeline

  • When i was born!

    When i was born!
    I was bron in Costa RIca, in the year 2000, on my grandpa's 54th birthday! :D
  • Learned to walk

    Learned to walk
    This changed because of it now i can run and move around and be free!
  • Period: to

    German School

    During this 8 years i was in a german school were i learned a lot of german and made most of my really good friends!
  • Started Dancing

    Started Dancing
    When i was 4 i started dancing, because i didnt know how to walk very well and ballet helped me improve that, and i still dance becaue it makes me happy, and relaxed which is why i am not a very hyper active person because i grew up lstening to clasical music
  • Aunt got married

    Aunt got married
    My aunt married a divorced man that had a daughter, she became one of the closest people to me, she teached me many things that helped me go through tough times
  • Got my first dog

    Got my first dog
    I always wanted a dog since i was 3 and getting my first dog helped me stop being afraid of bigger animals
  • Finished Kindergarden

    Finished Kindergarden
    Kindergarden helped making friends because i was going to be meeting new people for the rest of my life
  • Entered Pimary School

    This chaned my life because this year i learned how to read and wright, and the friends that i made at his time helped me improve my personality
  • Tomas was born

    Tomas was born
    This changed my life because it helped me be more caring with people and it was a whole new expierience
  • Moved to Barbados

    Moved to Barbados
    This changed my life because i learned another whole new language and made a bucnh of really good friends.
  • Great uncle died

    Great uncle died
    I never really understood the feeling of loosing someone, so this was my first time feeling that way and is going to help me understand other people in this situations, which makes me a better friend.