My Tech Timeline

  • Phone: rotary

    Phone: rotary
    Our first phone
  • Floppy 1

    Floppy 1
    First floppy
  • Period: to

    First Floppy Disk

    Our RadioShack computer didn’t have the slots for floppy disks because it was not in my family’s budget, but I saw these at school and at my friends’ homes. I really wished for them (due to my programming hobby.)
  • RadioShack Computer

    RadioShack Computer
    My parents’ first computer. Had no hard drive and no floppy disk drive. My dad would create/code programs and save them on a cassette tape. I also learned how to code/program games when I was between 5-9 years old. If the computer was shut off or if the power went out I would lose everything and have to start all over.
  • Atari

    2nd video game console. My first one cannot be found online (it was given to my family by my uncle who may have been giving us a prototype from the software/computer company he worked for at the time.
  • Computer Hooked up to keyboard or Apple I

    Computer Hooked up to keyboard or Apple I
    I cannot confirm or deny that my friend had the Apple I, but she showed me her dad’s computer which looked like a color tv hooked up to a keyboard that she could type on. It looked like the Apple I.
  • Phone: push button

    Phone: push button
    Our next phone
  • Phone: cordless

    Phone: cordless
    Phone upgrades were common even back then
  • Games of the 80s

    Games of the 80s
    I remember taking my first typing class in 5th grade on some kind of desktop.I never played Oregon Trail because it was only one one computer that was in high demand. I did play Dig Dug a lot.
  • Apple Computers

    Apple Computers
    I remember Apple computers from various places like Payson Middle School and at my uncles’ who worked for a prominent computer company (Microsoft or WordPerfect I think.)
  • NES

    Gaming was huge in my family.
  • Programming class: Turbo Pascal

    Programming class: Turbo Pascal
    High School Computer Science in the early 90s
  • Floppy 2

    Floppy 2
    2nd experience with the floppy (lasted until I was halfway through college
  • Period: to

    Next Era Floppy

    Floppy’s got smaller and more capable of larger storage capacity.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    The first computer of my adult life had Windows 3.1
  • First Internet Experience

    First Internet Experience
    Webcrawler was the best search engine.
  • My first desktop

    My first desktop
    My parents couldn’t afford the newest technology so I used this when I went away to college.
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    Everything changed when this came out
  • Period: to

    Windows 95

    I went to UVU (UVSC at the time) and used this in their labs.
  • Palm Pilot

    Palm Pilot
    My mission president had one.
  • First Computer I bought on my own

    First Computer I bought on my own
    I worked for Compaq and got a deal on my first computer.
  • graphic design program UVSC

    graphic design program UVSC
    Macs, Adobe, QuarkXPress, 3-D animations, etc.
  • First cellphone

    First cellphone
  • Smart Phone

    Smart Phone
  • Period: to

    Smart Phone usage

  • First iPad

    First iPad
    My first iPad was given to me by my principal.
  • Google Tools

    Google Tools
    First started using this as a teacher.
  • Period: to

    Google Tools