
My tech future

  • Taking into Account some Recommendations

    Taking into Account some Recommendations
    Love Stephen Downes: Education is changing. Learning is changing. Accept it in your context. Adapt and Adopt new strategies.Learn to learn and accept how others learn.
    Flipping: Amazing! Is a must do. With almost no possibility of inclass techonology my students will watch videos, read info or do some exercises online to activate prior knowledge, construct new and bring all that to class.
    Integrate Tecnology into the Curriculum: All modes work. All ways of learning accepted. Discovering!

    Read more about Tech Tools and Resources.
    Look at videos on Youtube.
    Look for some Blogs.
    Participate in open forums.
    Connect with Specialists in different areas of interest.
    Do a class web page. Learn from students.
    Connect on Skype. Have tutorials.
  • Self Assesment and NETS

    Self Assesment and NETS
    -Finish the Technology Mediated Education Module.
    A true eye opener. A wonderful experience. Being the student and being the teacher at the same time.
    -Trial and Error.
    -Have a positive outlook towards technology literacy,
    -Use and Model Technology in class permanently.
    -Overcome traditional teaching paradigms.
    -Let students talk about Technology and Tools they like.
  • Specific Tools

    Specific Tools
    Any tool that can enhance my students learning of English as a foreign language. I urgently need to go into:
    -Collaborative tools where students can post.
    I´ll go to online tutorials, video tutorials. Ill download some tools and start trying no matter what happens.
  • Future Actions for PLE

    Future Actions for PLE
    My PLE grows everyday. I have some amazing tools to use after this class module. Go more into MINDMEISTER, VOICE THREAD, WIKI, TIME TOAST, BLOGGING, GOOGLE DRIVE.
    Include the tools in class planning. New class on June 24th.
  • Mediated Educational Experience

    Mediated Educational Experience
    I start class on the 24th. It is a Vacational English Course with multi levels: Level 3, 4 and 5. I was just thinking about it.
    1. Flipping: Lots of videos for them to see at night.
    2. Three class projects during the 64 hour course where the use of PPT, PREZI, MOVIE MAKER or any other VISUAL TOOL is needed to express ideas.
    3. MindMeister for Mind Mapping
    4. A Wiki or Class Blog.
    5. Voice recording tools.