This day I was born in Oxnard, California at around 8pm. -
My Younger Brother was Born
My younger brother was born and it was a big impat on my life because not only did I have a sibling now, but we moved int an apartment on the downtown area of Phoenix and the area just really marks the way that I grew up. -
Starting Pre-School
This was when I started going to pre-school. It was a very important time for me because it was when I started realizing how well I could do in school and I really liked that. -
Meeting My Brother
This as the year my dad and the family met my older brother. He was apparently being charged of child support whithout knowledge of him being born and instead we decided to take him into our home. He was only a year older than I. -
My Other Younger Brother was Born
My baby brother was born this year, and it was an exiting time. When he was born we moved into my aunts house and lived in one of their rooms for a while. -
A New Place
This was the year me and my family moved into a two bedroom apartment and finally got a place that was a little more our own. This move isimportant, just like the rest because I feel like as a child thesebigs moves are very impacting. Everything around you changes. -
Moving States
This was the year we made the big move from California to Arizona. My dad got transfered from the post office in Golita, CA to the one here in Mesa. We movedtoTolleson, AZ and left all of our family behind, but we finally had a house to call our own, My older brother decided to stay behind. -
Starting High School
This was the year I startedhigh school in the college prep program University High. It is something I'm proud of because I had to test to get in and excelled. -
Going to College
This isimportant to me because I see t as the year as I started layong out my career path. I chose a major and although still a little side tracked have a somewhat of a plan for myself. -
Moving Out
I moved out of my parents house this past summer and am renting a house with three other people. I had to get a full time job to support mysef and this has probably been one of the biggest events in my life. This has made me grown up a lot and and realized a lot about myself.