2014 BCE
my dad brought me a new camera phone
2014 -
201 BCE
i came to america and i was so happy
2017 -
i went to the movies
i started high school
2010 -
i met some new friends
2010 -
my school took me out for a excursion
2010 -
my school took to me to the beach
2010 -
my dad took me to his farm
2011 -
my mom brought me a bicycle and i broke my hand
2011 -
my mom took me to an amusement park
2011 -
my dad brought a new car the same day my sister got married
2012 -
my got bitten by a dog
2013 -
my dad brought me my friend phone
2013 -
i was beaten by bully in the school
2014 -
my classmate stole my textbook
2014 -
my dad took me out to buy a new car for my mom
2015 -
my mummy took me to a restaurant to celebrate my birthday
2015 -
my mom did a surprise birthday for me
2016 -
i went to my brother house for holiday and it was so fun
2016 -
my mom bought me some ice cream after i took an injection
2016 -
high school graduation
my dad me to the zoo
2017 -
i went to embassy for my visa and i was so scared and i pray and fast thank go they gave me
2017 -
the day i left nigeria
am so sad am not doing so good am so sad
2017 -
am buying my car
buy a dog
have a job
am getting married
bringing my parent
i will buy a house
am graduating
gettin married
having my own house
am going back to nigeria