My Special Education Journey

  • Lineage of Teachers

    Like many aspiring teachers, I come from a long lineage of teachers. For grandmothers, aunts, and uncles teaching and the importance of education has always been around me. From a young age, I knew my future included a profession in the education field and as I continue to learn more I am incredibly excited to expand my experience and understanding with special education.
  • Clarissa

    When I was 10, I met my third cousin at a family party who was left disabled after a car accident when she was 16. She uses a wheelchair and has difficulty speaking.
  • Red Carpet Dance (Ethan)

    In high school I participated in this dance my high school put on for students with special needs. I was a date and spent the night with this boy named Ethan and I had a great time getting to know him and becoming friends.
  • Lorenzo

    During the pandemic I helped my nephew Lorenzo with his online kindergarten class because he has learning disabilities and needs more attention. I had trouble first because I didn't know how to help him in the way that actually was helpful to him.