
My Social Media Exposure

  • 2011

    In 2011 my Mom Created a Facebook Account for me. And she taught me how to use it. I post some pictures of myself and my family when we have events.
  • 2012

    Even though I already have a Facebook Account I don't really use it that much because some of my friends doesn't know the app that's why I sticked on using Youtube and watching different videos everyday
  • 2013

    I really enjoy using Youtube because back in the days we dont have Spotify or Tiktiok ,Youtube is the only app where you can discover new songs and trends.
  • 2014

    In 2014, I used to watch in Youtube the whole day because I discovered some entertaining influencers/vloggers
  • 2015

    In 2015, I started to use Facebook more often to interact with my friends.
  • 2016

    In Facebook is my most used app since I use this to interact with my friends and at the same time I also watch different videos in it.
  • 2017

    I started to use messenger to chat with my family and friends.
  • 2018

    In 2018, I Created my Instagram Account because my friends told me to make one and so I joined them.
  • 2019

    In 2019, I created my Twitter Account because I heard that my friends often use this than Facebook so I gave it a try.
  • 2020

    The Lockdown Started and the only app I get in formation is Facebook because I'm not really into Instagram and Twitter.
  • 2021

    In 2021, I started making new friends online since the lockdowns is still ongoing and I can't go outside and socialize and that/s why Messenger is my most used app
  • 2022

    In this Year I made new friends in school and we added each other in social media apps such as Facebook and Instagram ,but lately I often use Instagram to post our pictures.