My Second Language

  • Kindergarten Practice Book

    Kindergarten Practice Book
    How I was introduced to English. I remember my mother spending hours of her time trying to teach me this second language that has always surrounded me, but never approached me. It never occurred to me that I would have to learn this language since all I have ever known was mandarin which was spoken by all my family members.
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    My journey of the English language as an Asian born American.
  • The Rainbow Fish

    The Rainbow Fish
    This was my first book I have ever read which was in kindergarten. The color themes intrigued me provoking my interest in books. The scales on the hardcover book had this smooth feel to it which was what caught my attention in getting the book. This book introduced me to basic words I would use throughout my lifetime.
  • First Vocabulary Test

    First Vocabulary Test
    This was my first vocabulary test which horrified me due to how hard it was due to the fact that I did not know about studying and how I was still fairly new to the language. However, this inspired me to work harder in understanding the language overall.
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    This was my favorite series of books I have ever read. It was also the first series where i finished and kept up to date with. I started reading it in second grade all the way up until the sixth grade. Every time it reached November I would buy the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book.
  • Lexia Core 5

    Lexia Core 5
    This program our teacher made us use in elementary school intrigued me leading to my interest in English. I recall blowing through multiple levels of this program due tho the fact that every time I complete a level, it would activate an animation which kept me going.
  • Rotary Project

    Rotary Project
    This was one my only presentations and group projects I recall for English. I remember having to call up my group members to make sure all the slides were perfect having the right information and the correct works cited page. This project enlightened me on how to set up and create slides for projects in the right procedures and what information to look for.
  • Unexpected A (Essay)

    Unexpected A (Essay)
    This essay I wrote back in eighth grade was some how given an A by my teacher and given compliments. However, I personally never thought the essay was good and so it was unexpected for me. I recall the majority of my classmates and even the kid carrying the title "smartest kid in the class" got a lower score than me. This made me feel good about myself and my abilities to write.
  • Christopher Columbus Essay

    Christopher Columbus Essay
    During my start of sophomore year, I was taken by surprise to get an essay on the second day of school in Mrs. Plumey's honor English II class. What terrified me more was the fact it was due in two days. This was the shortest amount of time I had to write an essay. Prior to this event, I was usually given around a week to write an essay. This prompted me to be able to write essays at a pace I never thought I would be comfortable with. Unit test essays allowed me to write an essay in one sitting.