My personal History

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in Bayview Hospital, Barbaods
  • My first trip

    My first trip
    I was only a year and a half old when i had my first trip to the Grenadiens, ever since then i've been traveling every summer to a different placein the world. It's one of my favourite things to do.
  • My first day of school

    My first day of school
    This was the first day i started school at Codrington, when i was 2 years old.
  • My first tropical storm

    My first tropical storm
    i think this was one of the scariest moment ever for me, it was so windy and loud. i was only 3 at the time.
  • My first Snow

    My first Snow
    When i went to Austria with my mum in 2005 that was the first time i saw snow. It was so shocking because it was so exciting cause i never saw it before.
  • I met my bestfriend

    I met my bestfriend
    This was the day when me and Aurora became very close and she became my bestfriend. It changed me because she has always been there for me and we are still friends today.
  • My insperation

    My insperation
    When i fell inlove with the tv show Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) and decided that i really wanted to become a famous singer just like her.
  • My granny

    My granny
    This was when my granny passed away from parkinson disease. it really effected me cause i never got to see her so much because she lived in Germany, but i loved her so much.
  • When my gran got sick

    My Granny from my dads side got really sick and she had a stroke. It really effected be because i see her every weekend and the thought of her being gone was scary and sad, but luckily she got better and now she is perfectly heathly.
  • My besfriend moving away

    My besfriend moving away
    My besfirend Amber moved from Barbados to go back to England last year. It was a very emotional day fir
  • Helping out

    Helping out
    Last summer Chara and i, went out to this little community to help them cook and pack food that they give to the homeless people every tuesday! it was a really great expirence because what they do it so incredible. I really want to go back there and help out!
  • New york City

    New york City
    This summer it was my third time going to New York, i always just seem to fall in love with the city and one day i might end up living there and start a career or something. It's my dream home.