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My Media Timeline

  • •Books

    •A medium for recording information in the form of writing or images, typically composed of many pages bound together and protected by a cover.
    • When I hold a book for a first time , I have seen so many picture and words in it . It was a story book of Pagong at Matsing . This book teach me so many lessons , where I can still apply it today .
  • •Television

    • A telecommunication medium for transmitting moving images and sound .
    • Television helps me to develop my understanding about the world . In which I discover new things . This media also made my childhood memorable because of the entertainment shows that I have seen before .
  • •Radio

    •A technology of signaling and communicating using radio waves.
    • I was so amaze when I encountered this media , Imagine you can transmit your message or any information through this technology. It is such a great feeling when you hear different voices of different person.
  • •Magazine

    • A periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject or area of interest.
    • This media cought my attention as I have seen a photo of my favorite actor in a teleserye showned in television . I was motivated to read the information beside the picture , in which I found out some facts about him . Until now I'm a fun of magazines .
  • •Newspaper

    • A printed publication (usually issued daily or weekly) consisting of folded unstapled sheets and containing news, feature articles, advertisements, and correspondence.
    • My father was an avid reader of a newspaper , and out of my curiousity I get one of his newspaper . I look at it and I was shock of what I found , I have seen a crime picture and it has an information writen beside it .
  • •Keypad Phone

    •Keypad Phone
    •A type of phone that has a keypad rather than a touchscreen. Keypad phones are phones that have physical keypads on the device.
    • My mom bought me a keypad phone , so she can communicate with me when I'm in school . This phone help me to keep in touch with my mom and at same time with my classmates. I also enjoy playing with the games I found in this phone.
  • • Android Phone

    • Android Phone
    • A powerful, high-tech smartphone that runs on the Android operating system (OS) developed by Google and is used by a variety of mobile phone manufacturers .
    • My mom and dad decided to upgrade my keypad phone into and android phone so that I can use it with my studies . It really help me in looking for information that I need to look for .
  • •Facebook

    •An online social networking website where people can create profiles, share information such as photos and quotes about themselves, and respond or link to the information posted by others.
    • My aunt introduced me to this media for the first time , I was mesmerized when I look at it because of how amazing it is when you can touch to everyone . You can share anything and everyone can seen what you are sharing .
  • Messenger

    • A mobile app that enables chat, voice and video communications between Facebook web-based messaging and smartphones.
    • When I discover facebook , this also comes with it . I was thankful with this media because through this I can keep in touch with my relatives which are far from me .
  • •Youtube

    • A popular video sharing website where registered users can upload and share videos with anyone able to access the site.
    • I discover this media when our teacher told us to watch a video tutorial of a dance . That time I was surprise of what what I found out. There where so many videos that I can watch .
  • •Computer

    • An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
    • I was in a 4th grade when I discover this technology . It was in our Computer subject that time . Our teacher introduce us on different parts and how it fuction .
  • •Laptop

    • A computer that is portable and suitable for use while traveling.
    • I discover this technology when my aunt let me watch a movie on her laptop . I was amave on how it function , how travel friendly it is . Where you can bring it everywhere because of it size .
  • •Vivo Phone

    •Vivo Phone
    • One of the smaller Chinese phone brands that releases its phones in the West .
    • My mom and dad give me this as a christmas gift for me , I'm so grateful to them . This time everything change and it became so easy for me to search and work everything with this phone .
  • •Instagram

    • A free photo and video sharing app available on iPhone and Android. People can upload photos or videos to our service and share them with their followers or with a select group of friends.
    • I went to media because of the advertisement that I found in facebook . I was stun on how it works and when I download this media I have seen so many beautiful picture of everyone .