My Media Timeline

  • Television

    In 2006 I started watching television.Television is an instrument used to present moving images with the presence of sound.It is a mass medium for entertainment, education,news and advertising.In our house,I always watched cartoon shows in the television.The television is one of my entertainment in my childhood.The shows being broadcast in the TV were very entertaining and it was also informative.The television is the source of our Information.
  • Radio

    In 2007 I started listening news and music in radio.Radio is an instrument with the presence of radio waves to carry information transmitted through space carry impulses.It is first used as source of entertainment, mostly seen in barrios.My parents usually plays the radio in our house in order to listen to local news and for entertainment.It is useful especially when there is a blackout because it runs without electricity.
  • Books

    In 2008 I started reading books.Books is a set of sheet paper in which writing or images can be printed on drawn or drawn on a book's pages.It may refer to a body of words of literature.When I was 5 years old,I was a kinder student,so I was taught to read.I was exposed to book's for children,like story books.It was very entertaining at the same time informative.
  • Newspaper

    In 2009 I started reading newspaper.Newspaper is a scheduled publication containing news of current events, information articles, diverse features, editorials,and advertising.My elders in the family are fond of reading newspaper,every week my parents buy newspaper to give them.As a kid,it was boring because the texts are all about the news but it was very informative because it talks about the current situations and issues.
  • Keypad Cellphone

    Keypad Cellphone
    In 2010 I started using keypad cellphone.Keypad phones are cellphones that have physical keypads on the device.It is a type of phone that has a keypad rather than a touchscreen.My siblings owned a Nokia phone.I usually borrow it and play games in his phone.The phone was entertaining and useful in communication.
  • Microphone

    In 2011 I was exposed in microphone.Microphone is an instrument for converting sound waves into electrical energy variations which was then be amplified, transmitted,or recorded.Microphones were usually used in programs when I was elementary student.It was useful on broadcasting and communicating in a certain area.I usually used this in school during programs.
  • Dynamic Loudspeaker

    Dynamic Loudspeaker
    In 2012 I was exposed dynamic loudspeaker.The standard dynamic loudspeaker was first built in the 1920's and uses a magnetic field to move coil or magnet which is connected to a diaphragm.I was exposed to loudspeakers when I was elementary student.It was usually used during programs in the school.It was useful in broadcasting information in an area because of its loud volume.
  • Desktop Computer

    Desktop Computer
    In 2015 I was started to used Computer.A dekstop computer is a personal computing device designed to fit on top of a typical office desk.It houses the physical hardware that makes a computer run and connects to input devices such as the monitor, keyboard and mouse users interact with.I was exposed to dekstop computers because our school has computers in the computer laboratory.Computers were useful and effecient on doing tasks like writing or editing.
  • Projector

    In 2016 I was exposed in projector.Projector is an output device that takes images generated by a computer or Blu-ray player and reproduce them by projection onto a screen,wall or another surface.Projectors were used in some of my teachers to show a visual aid of our lessons.It is very useful in broadcasting visual aids in a certain area,that can be used during lessons or lectures.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    In 2018 I was exposed on social media.Social media is a computer based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas , thoughts,and information through virtual networks and communities.Social media is very useful in school because it has a lot of benefits to students.It is the source of sharing information and make connections.Social media allows me to communicate with friends and family,learn new things,develop my interests, and be entertained.
  • Smartphone

    In 2020 I was exposed using smartphone.Smartphone is a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally associated with telephones such as an operating system,web browsing,and the ability to run software smartphone.Smartphone is the most important things that need in school etc.It was more effecient compared to other phones.Smartphone you can communicate others easier and faster.
  • Portable Computer

    Portable Computer
    In 2022 I started to used portable computer.Portable computer is a computer designed to be easily moved from one place to another and included a display and keyboard together with a single plug.Laptops is a computer designed for portability.My brother and classmate owns a laptop,it was more efficient compared to the desktop computers because it can be carried anywhere with ease.I usually used this in my academic tasks.