My Media Timeline

  • Newspaper

    In 2010 my grandfather always read some news in the newspaper . I am 6 that time so i was curious about that paper he was reading i ask him what is that he said that this is paper can tell me what happen to the world this paper is called a newspaper my dear .i sit with my grandfather to see the image of the news he read.
  • Radio

    In 2012 radio is the first electronic device i see .My grandparents always listen to the radio when it all about news. When it comes to the music i always turn on the radio to hear some voices singing then i gently close my eyes to have some sleep.
  • TV

    In 2015 my father and mother buy a tv for us to watch some cartoons or news that will entertain us.
  • Cellphone

    In 2018 i am 14 years old that time i started borrowing my mother cellphone or my aunt to play games on their phones then in 2020 i am 16 that time my mother buy me a new cellphone i was happy that time.
  • Computer

    Computer is my way to research something important details. I use computer in 2018 that time i dont have phone. When my teacher is assigning some research assignment my only way is to use computer .