My Literary Journey

  • Rewriting?

    I used to rewrite the paper books that I received in second grade into my notebook. My family never said anything but I would always do it when I was bored.
  • Lexia Core 5

    Lexia Core 5
    I began to get introduced to Lexia Core 5, and I immediately enjoyed it. The different scenes that were on every level made me anxious and excited to fly through the activites.
  • Period: to

    My Literary Journey

  • Why not me?

    Why not me?
    When kids were taken out of my 4th grade class to strengthen their reading skills, I wanted to go with them. I felt left out, but in reality my reading level was advanced.
  • Reading Tests

    Reading Tests
    When I was pulled out of my 4th grade class, I finally felt like I did something right. However, when I realized that it was a reading test, I was just as excited. Needless to say, I did not stumble.
  • Weird Classes

    Weird Classes
    When I received my 7th grade schedule, I was confused by what the "ACL" meant in front of my English class. I found out a block before, through a classmate, that it stood for accelerated, meaning I was in an advanced class.
  • Is This for Me?

    Is This for Me?
    In 8th grade, I was given another ACL English course. I began to realize that I may be able to survive in the accelerated/honors route, given that I was assigned another advanced English course.
  • Will I be Okay?

    Will I be Okay?
    As I chose my classes for my freshman year of high school, I contemplated whether or not I should take honor classes. Since I doubt myself constantly, this was a huge decision that I had to make in three days! I ended up taking the honors route, but that's as far as I decided I would reach.
  • Where I Belong

    Where I Belong
    Now that I've been through 3 years of high school, I can proudly say that I am in a place that I never thought I would be. I believed that I would only stay in honors during my whole high school career, however that's not the case. Walking into AP Language and Composition, I am determined to develop a greater skill in analyzing non-fiction.