My Life Vale Diaz

  • THE START...

    THE START...
    I was born on May 23rd 2003 in Bogotá at 6.50 pm. I had big, blue eyes, black hair and white skin, that´s why my grandmother said I looked like Snow White. I liked to sleep, drink milk and I enjoyed the trips in the stroller. My family came to vist us and to meet me. When I was 14 months old I learned how to walk. My first words were tata and mama. My first tooth came out when I was 8 months old.
  • Period: to

    MY LlFE


    I started going to GYMBOREE, a stimulation center for babies. There I had sometime with my parents playing and having fun as a baby. I had a few friends there. I graduated from GYMBOREE when I was 1 year and 3 months. I recieved my first diploma.
  • BROTHER...

    When I was 21 months old, my brother was born. Since that on we are always together, playing, having fun and sharing different experiences. We are allways together and even if we fight, we allways lve us.

    My first kindergarden was ABRAKADABRA in Bogota but soon I mooved to Chia so I passed to "APRENDAMOS JUGANDO". From this kindergarden, i moved to "THE ENGLISH SCHOOL".
  • SCHOOL...

    I entered to The English School in 2007. I was in pre- kindre 2 and in the first day, I met many kids who soon became my friends. In the school, I had allways been wise and responsible. Also I am of the medium height of the generation. I graduted from pre-school on the year 2010. Right now I am in fourth grade with Mr. Cobos :)
  • THE LOOK..

    THE LOOK..
    I can prevent the look by ignoring the person who is doing that and talk seriously to him or her telling that we are the same. If they keep doing that I would allways think about equality.

    I have many friends now. My favourite colour is green, my favourite animal is the orca whale and I like and I enjoy playing volleyball and tennis. I leke to paint and do all kind of crafts and things like that. I also like to pass some time with my family and I also like going on vacations to new places.

    When I am a teenager, I will be passing through puberty so my body will be developing and I will be growing. Maybe I would have emotions like a roller-coaster because that comes in that stage. I will have mamy friends and I will keep being responsible in school.

    When I am an adult, I may have a family and I would have less friends than now. They might only be of the work or something like that. I will be a very famous architect and I will be going to the gym to exercise every day. I will be a very good person with others.

    If this happens to me I wouldn´t let the peoplenthat have new tings influence me or cause me temptation so I will need to have a lot of personality. To have something that I want I should win it and dont let someone come and put me to follow an style or something.

    If this happens to me I would tell someone about this situation. If I don´t want to do somethig wrong it is fine because I need to have personality and they are forcing me to do something I don´t want to they are not my real friends.

    I can avoid this by ignoring the people who are saying that or telling someone about the problem.

    I can handle this situation by going to the group and telling the what happens and if they keep being rood I would tell somebody that v¡can help me solve the problem.
  • ELDERY...

    When I get to the eldery age I might have grandsons so I will be a great grandma so I will enjoy being with the and my sons. I will teach them many things as the are my offsprings and I would give them all the love I can. I might not have so many friends because I will be a grandma so the most relevant social aspects will be the family.

    I can manage this situation by ignoring the people that are doing that and when they are not with me tell a teacher, parent or a friend because they can help me to sory out this problem. Also I could speak to that people telling them how I feel.
  • DEATH...

    I will die the 10th of November 2097. I will be burried next to Isaac Newton in Westminiestr Abbey, England. We will be friends in the sky.