I finally told someone I wasn't feeling good emotionally.
Freshman year I told my counselor at school that I wasn't feeling good emotionally and I was feeling depressed. This helped shape me as the person I am today because it was the start of the change in my life. -
After winter break freshman year my depression and anxiety had gotten to the point to where I needed to be hospitalized. In the hospital I met a lot of people and realized I wasn't alone with how I felt. I was also exposed to people with far more severe problems than I. It was eye opening to say the least. This experience was a turning point in my life. -
I Start Going to a Therapeutic Day School
After I had gotten back from the hospital it had been about a month since I had been in school. When I got back the work load I had to make up was too much and not to mention I had to make up finals I had missed. So my parents, the school, and I decided it'd be a good idea for me to go to a therapeutic day school. Starting at the therapeutic day school was a big step for me in my recovery. -
I start transitioning back to LHS
I have been at the therapeutic day school for nearly a year now. I have made great strides regarding my depression and anxiety and how to cope with it. Because of my accomplishments LHS and the therapeutic day school feel like it's time for me to start to transition back to a regular high school. I start going to LHS for two periods out of the day then I go back to the therapeutic day school. This event proved I was able to thrive in a regular high school environment. -
I Start my Junior Year at LHS Full Time
After the semester of going to LHS for two periods and back to the therapeutic school the schools decided I was ready to go back to a regular high school. I had goten A's in both my classes I was taking at LHS so they thought I was, without a doubt, ready to return. This helped me become into the person I am today because I had gone through a lot within the past few years and I was able to get through it. I now consider myself a stronger person.